THREAD – #GenderWooWoo

Today I incurred the wrath of the Pronoun Platoon.

The crime? – a rap song about how a man cannot become a woman.

I stated some facts and the herd went berserk.
I say in the song: – “If a man wishes to live his life imitating a woman or a bat – fine!”

I am a believer in individual liberty.

I shall uphold dignity in personal interactions.

But I shall not pretend that it isn’t an imitation.
Sex is immutable.

Even if one undergoes every single reassignment procedure, one does not become the opposite sex.

One can take cross-sex hormones, have estradiol valerate injections, undergo an orchiectomy – that is to say, a castration.
One can have a penectomy – whereby the penal tissue is inverted and refashioned into a makeshift “neo-vagina” which requires frequent dilation and comes with a host of severe medical side-effects, such as urinary fistulae.
One can have facial feminisation + vocal chord surgery to bring the body into line with the phantom of "gender identity".

One can do all of this, but ultimately: – none of it will transform a man into a woman because it is impossible for a man to become a woman, or vice versa.
Nor is it – “bigotry”, “hatred”, or “transphobia” – to state this fact.

There are plenty of trans people who affirm this reality, who recognise its importance.

Such as: @BuckAngel + @MsBlaireWhite
But: there are thousands upon thousands who have been captured in the lure of “trans” as a cultural moment, who will commit their body to inexorable change. Referral rates to gender clinics have skyrocketed. Most of those referred receive the drugs. Some proceed with surgeries.
@AbigailShrier has written of this in her new book – Irreversible Damage – and here she is on @joerogan's podcast.
There are many who undergo these procedures – and later come to “lose faith” in the transition, who clamour for – “a way back.”

There is no way back.

I was brought to this issue precisely because someone whom I know found themselves in this predicament.
Today – we pump people with the equivalent of sometimes more than 10 birth control pills a day.

We give triptorelin to children – the same drug that is used to sterilise sex offenders – and we use it to suppress puberty.
We do all this under the false pretext that it will alleviate their anxieties in the long-term.

And we clap – and we cheer – and we celebrate this.

We howl with execration at those who question it.

"TERF!" "Bigot!" "Transphobe!"

#TheWrongCrowd. #IStandWithMaya
"Trans" has become a cultural flashpoint – egged on by a motley rafter of quack doctors, ideologues, fawning journalists, "charities", powerful political figures and corporations, and a mob of activists and their “allies” screeching – “Just be kind!”

Art by @TatsuyaIshida9
I condemn the denial of biological sex.

The insistence that – “sex is a social construct” – is the extremest conceivable form of corruption.

"We have now sunk to a depth at which a restatement of the obvious is the first duty."

#WhatIsAWoman #sexnotgender #BoysWillBeGirls
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