This is an email that has been sent out by the UCP. As a teacher in this province I am heartbroken and disgusted by it.

(A thread)
#AbEd #AbLeg
1) the NDP curriculum review panel was not secretive but a large endeavor that included hundreds/thousands of stakeholders including parents and teachers. The UCP's curriculum review does not include any current teachers.

#abed #ableg
2)I say this as a parent. Mom's and dad's are many amazing things but they are not experts in education. This past spring's emergency at home learning had parents everywhere exclaiming "I can't do this!" "How do teachers do this" "I don't know how to teach this!"
#abed #ableg
3) Curriculum is the WHAT that is taught. It is not the HOW. They say they are changing the curriculum but then don't actually discuss content they discuss instruction methods. #abed #ableg
4)constructivism is not a "fad" but a founded a true theory on learning. Constructivism recognizes the learners' understanding and knowledge based on their own experiences prior to entering school. It values and allows children's prior knowledge and experiences.
#abed #ableg
5) the UCP is taking us back in time to rote memorization of facts. If you look at Blooms taxonomy of learning that is the base level of understanding. To be truly succesful learners students need to learn to synthesize the information, apply it in their own lives and contexts.
6) I have taught in 4 schools over 7 years I have never once taught in a school that did not highly prioritize literacy and numeracy. #abed #ableg
7) Alberta does not have a "history" curriculum. We study "Social studies" and yes part of that does include history but it also includes current events, international relations, citizenship, community, leadership. This sounds like the ucp doesn't even know AB's core subjects.
8a.) The audacity of this government to question the integrity of every teacher in this province with a statement like "ideological activists parading as teachers" is reprehensible.
8b)Teaching children that everyone regardless of race, gender, wealth, or sexual orientation is important is not ideological activism it is human decency. Teaching our children we need to take care of our planet, our air, our water is not ideological activism it is a FACT.
9) the quote here by MLA @JanisIrwin is a clickbait segment of what she truly said where she was advocating for the voices of multiple perspectives. @AdrianaLaGrange has repeatedly cherry picked questions to paint a picture and ignored the concept being taught- Critical Thinking
10) evidence in educational research is clear that students do not learn well from skill and drill. Students need to be actively engaged in their learning to make a lasting impact.
#AbEd #Ableg
11) The curriculum currently being taught in Alberta classrooms is the curriculum that was developed under previous conservative and progressive conservative governments.
13) This government is waging a war on teachers just like it has done with doctors. Its no accident that they are sending out emails like this at the same time as they are preparing to send us back to overcrowded underfunded classrooms without proper support in a pandemic. #abed
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