I’m seeing a lot of Trans-Holocaust arguments so I’ve put together the following thread for easy reading.
Trans gender people were never recognised or legislated against. They did not exist in the way we understand the term today. They were NOT holocaust victims. They were NOT killed by Nazis.
They were killed for being HOMOSEXUALS who happened to be trans. TRANS PEOPLE WERE NOT TARGETED FOR BEING TRANS. It was widely accepted as such through Nazi legislator, subsequent legal cases, death records, and Nazis firsthand accounts.
The introduction of the idea that trans-people were holocaust victims was from a THEORY presented in a book by Clayton J. Whisnant in 2016 that Nazi officers MAY have interpreted the law to inc. trans. It expanded on a paper he wrote in 2001 that was dismissed as baseless
Did trans-people die? Possibly, and that’s devastating, but they died for being gay. They died for their sexual orientation, not their gender identity. They were not singled out for genocide like the other groups. Suggesting otherwise is tasteless and genocide-appropriation.
History buff who wishes to remain anonymous: “Homosexuals were sent to labour camps for the specific crime of sodomy, hence the lower internments of lesbians. Labour camps and concentration camps differed in that concentration camps were almost exclusively racial elimination.”
“...there were exceptions, but the men sent to concentration camps had committed secondary crimes such as charges for illegal publication of anti Nazi propaganda, voting against the party, etc. Of 100k homosexuals arrested, 50k were charged and approx 5-15k sent to concentration”
“...of those 5-15k, 3,000-8000 are thought to have died. Realistically, how many of these men may have also identified as trans? We’ll never know the figures, but if trans represents 0.5% of the population, it would’ve been a small representation of those figures.”
“...I’ll finish by saying, there were absolutely no Nazi campaigns against transgender people. Gay men were persecuted under paragraph 175. Gay men were horrifically abused by SS officers and medically tortured. These were crimes against gay men. Not transpeople. Gay men.”
The Nazi’s were so unbothered by those identifying as the opposite gender, the German Interior Minister allowed a TiF to continue living as a man, feeling it was an ‘unjustifiable hardship’ to start living as a woman again.
Another good thread
https://twitter.com/tortiecats/status/1292846863671087104?s=21 https://twitter.com/TortieCats/status/1292846863671087104
The Nazi’s did burn down Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, a library holding LGBT papers and amongst which some of the most important research for gender reassignment surgery at the time, but this was due to Magnus Hirschfeld, the institute’s founder, being a Jewish homosexual man
The Nazi’s were attacking the man, as a Jewish homosexual doctor, and his research on homosexuality. It had nothing to do with genital reassignment surgery or research on transgenderism.
In fact, according to Simon Wiesenthal, an Auschwitz survivor, he witnessed a human experiment to change sex that was conducted on a boy in Auschwitz in order to ‘cure’ homosexuality.
The Nazi’s did have ‘cross dressing’ under paragraph 183 which had a total of 175 convictions throughout their reign, all of which were either non-Aryan or homosexual and used as an add-on charge, not on its own. Nazis used cross-dressing as entertainment

As a final aside, I’d just like to add that every single group of people affected by the Holocaust can produce evidence. They can show names, records, photos, physical evidence that their people existed and died at the hands of the Nazis. I ask TRAs- where’s YOUR evidence?
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