Why China's NSL in HK did not violate the Sino-British Joint Declaration - A THREAD
Firstly, the JD stipulates that the agreed policy of "One Country Two Systems" would be laid out in the HK Basic Law - the defacto constitution of Hong Kong. Let's take a look at what the Basic Law has to say.....
Article 23

"The HKSAR shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government...to prohibit foreign political organisations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region."
The HKSAR has failed to do this on it's own for 20+ years hence Article 18

"In the event that the SC of the NPC...by reason of turmoil within the HKSAR which endangers national security or unity...the Central People's Government may issue an order applying the....
...relevant national laws in the Region"

Thus China is allowed to introduce the NSL, especially when you consider the turmoil: people set on fire, rioters smashing storefronts, blocking off roads, motorcycles ramming into police, occupying unis...
mainlanders facing savage violent attacks, the Legislature vandalised. It was clear that the violence and chaos was out of the HKSAR's control. Not to mention the foreign collusion and foreign funding of the rioters.

And yes normal national PRC laws do not apply to HK. Except Article 18 states

"the SC of the NPC may add to or delete from the list of laws in Annex 3 after consulting its Committee for the BL of the HKSAR and the govt of the Region."

In other words China gets the final say.
"But HK courts interpret the law independently" you say.

True. Yet Article 158 specifically states

"The power of interpretation of this Law (the Basic Law) shall be vested in the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress."
"If the courts of the Region...need to interpret the provisions of this Law concerning affairs which are the responsibility of the CPG (i.e. national security), or concerning the relationship between the Central Authorities and the Region (i.e. 1C2S)...the courts of the Region...
"..shall...seek an interpretation of the relevant provisions from the SC of the NPC"

"When the SC makes an interpretation of the provisions concerned, the courts of the Region....SHALL FOLLOW THE INTERPRETATION OF THE SC."

So China's words on nat sec are final on the Court!!
Reminder that Britain AGREED to these terms!!! It may seem unfair to Westerners but China did not violate the Basic Law, as the Basic Law specifically lays out the powers of the Central People's Government and Standing Committee of the National People's Congress
Not committing acts of terrorism (like arson attacks) or receiving money from foreign governments is the BARE minimum standard in all countries. The West is hypocritical! Can you imagine the outrage (that would rightly) occur if Antifa was spotted meeting with Chinese diplomats??
Also advocating independence is not allowed. What part of ONE country two systems do people in the West not understand????
Article 1 of the HK Basic Law

"The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an INALIENABLE part of the People's Republic of China."
The fact that Joshua Wong refused to sign documents agreeing to the Basic Law, shows that his is goal is independence (in addition to other things like treason for soliciting foreign powers) which is a red line.
Reminder again that Britain AGREED to the terms in the Basic Law. Western countries are lying when they say China violated it. China is not "cracking down" on HK, rather they are protecting it from terrorism, secession and foreign hostile forces.
The HK police have been incredibly RESTRAINED when dealing with the riots. Not a single person has been killed by them. In contrast there are countless incidents of violence from American police and the French police when dealing with the yellow vests. https://www.insider.com/sarah-grossman-dies-tear-gassed-police-protest-ohio-2020-6
I'll finish with this. Hong Kong is China's sovereign land and is entirely China's own internal affairs. It is not a colony anymore. Britain has some gall to stand on the moral high ground and criticize China considering what they did during the sordid, disgraceful Opium Wars.
@AmbLiuXiaoMing @ChineseEmbinUK @MahuiChina
Feel free to use for propaganda purposes considering all I did was LITERALLY QUOTE the Basic Law lmao. "Journalists" can't spin factual words in a text.
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