Great thread on how Evidence Based Medicine, an otherwise good thing, is not always a good thing. EBM has strongly guided the beliefs of Anders Tegnell and the Swedish approach to #Covid19.

EBM has weaknesses when it comes to complex public health issues such as a pandemic
I've been critical in the past of a strict EBM approach when it comes to other public health issues such as nutrition and exercise and related issues. With complex systems, with large numbers of potential confounders, the power of a standard experimental approach diminishes
RCTs are typically either unfeasible, unethical, too slow, or will quite often *predictably* lead to results with too little power to actually reflect reality.

Throwing them all together into a meta-analysis just magnifies the problem.

Science is more than just RCTs
Another good thread here.

For me, a starting point should always be - "is there a feasible mechanism?"
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