Hey, folks! We're starting @waitwait's annual two week break, and for my sanity, I'm going to try to not only not tweet, but not even read this site. I've heard a lot about these "book" things, eager to give them a try.

Couple of thoughts before I go:
This site (despite what you've heard) is not useless -- I've made many great friends, and learned wonderful things, and enjoyed many things, here -- but it doesn't actually change anything. If you don't like the world, you're going to need to get off your phone and be in it.
The most accessible, best cure for depression, frustration, malaise, etc is to do something for someone else. If you're feeling depressed, unhappy, frustrated, get off Twitter and go do that. Think of it as being self-indulgent.
Stay safe. Wear a mask. Don't go to bars or indoor restaurants. And most of all, be kind to the people you love and who love you, because, as an old person, I can assure you: I regret every single time I've failed to do that.
Stay safe, and we'll see you soon.
You can follow @petersagal.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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