Women cope as poorly with men preferring looks as men cope poorly with women preferring status. And both cope incredibly poorly with an environment which says that your worth is defined by your partner’s possession of one or the other, and only the top 1% is acceptable. https://twitter.com/acczibit/status/1292582145102413824
There are people out there who will keep swiping on dating apps until the sun turns black in the heavens rather than admit to “failure” by accepting someone who is merely a wonderful human being who looks good but not great, who is average and not impressive. That’s best case.
Worst case they will devote an enormous part of their lives to playing rules lawyer over other people’s sexuality, warping concepts like consent into arguments about 30somethings “grooming” 20somethings and how Chad is stealing all the Stacies they deserve.

It’s just broken.
There are alternatives. This isn’t a full answer by any means, but we have to start somewhere. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheAgeofShoddy/status/1292309903248220161
You can follow @TheAgeofShoddy.
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