There's an emotional violence to knowing just how committed so many millions of our friends, family, and neighbors are to the premise that other people don't matter at all, and how violently and aggressively the respond to any suggestion that they should behave otherwise.
For all the energy spent criticizing progressives for over-moralizing, this monstrous selfishness is couched exclusively in moralistic terms: individual freedom the only true value, an inviolable god-given right to never be subjected to the inconvenience of caring about others.
It's not enough to say one must be permitted to prioritize momentary personal convenience over the lives of others: it's vital that one must never be even momentarily asked to give a shit that they've done so, or to even hear it suggested that one should care.
Personal freedom is no longer defined only as the right to swing your fist, but also to define where other people's noses begin, and to decide for yourself whether you struck them and whether their owners felt pain, and whether you bear any responsibility. All yours to decide.
I'm so fucking sick of our country's right-wing infantile devotion to their own solipsism above all else, somehow simultaneously sociopathic and moralistic, a vapid narcissism proudly proclaimed by adherents as some sort of personal achievement rather than a vast moral failing.
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