YT Streaming Test Results

2016 article

There’s a 2016 article going around about results from a YT algorithm study.

As prep for our testing, I read this article along with several more about IPs, YT policies, etc. To identify simple tips to help us stream effectively.
Sharing Good Info

So, if you want to put 2 hours or 24 into streaming you should have the best information possible to help you keep as many of your views as possible.

Our stream team is encouraging you to find good information to help you plan what your cb day looks like. +
One of our most common questions, has been about YT limits, these questions are based on information that has been widely spread across timelines from this 2016 article.

In summary, what people are sharing from the article is that YT only allows 8 views per person per day. +
The problems with this info is:

It does not align with information that has been published about YT views from the actual data reporting partners of YT, and

It doesn’t make a distinction for Music Videos, and it is based on outdated technical data. +
Data Reporting Partners

YT data reporting partners have published that the FIRST 50 views per account per day from Music videos will be reported to BB charts. +
This alone, implies the 8 view per day per account doesn’t make sense.

This rule was published in late January/Early Feb. right before ON.

Outdated article
Why is this article not in alignment with published info? Because it’s old and outdated. +
The problem with referencing outdated information about technical topics and platforms is things change rapidly in tech.

The same algorithm they tested has been updated multiple times since 2016.

Why? YouTube has changed. The emphasis on Music Videos on YT has changed. +
Every change requires an update to YTs back end monitoring and tracking system.

This articles doesn’t even make a distinction to test with music videos because their impact on the platform in 2016 was nowhere near what it is in 2020. +
So, no offense to anybody who has been re-tweeting this article or whatever, I’m just saying for our cb purposes and goals this is not the best information to use to influence a streaming strategy.

I’m encouraging you to find better information before spending hours of effort. +
You don’t have to get it from our results, there’s a lot of good info going around, but there’s a lot of misinformation as well.

So, be smart and ask questions.
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