THREAD on my interpretation of the occult meaning/MK ULTRA symbolism behind "WAP" 🤗
First of all, let’s break down what MK ULTRA is about : MK= MonarK/Mental Kontrol. Every single high profile celebrity is under MK. And all they do or say is completely controled, they’re just puppets used to influence the masses. This clip is a great illustration.
How does MK work ? In this example, they’re using the Beta Kitten programing. Beta Kitten = torturing someone to the point of mental dissociation and thus the creation of an hypersexualised slave alter ego
The feline symbolism is used to represent sensuality and primal sexual instincts. Usually when you see leopard prints, cats, big cats etc etc in a video or a photo involving celebs it’s a symbol for BK programming, meaning they’re influencing under this influence.
Now, let’s go back to the subject. What’s this all about ? The clip is a representation of the ritual/initiation of Megan Thee Stallion by Cardi B. Cardi B the "handler" guiding Megan through her mental programming which is represented by the "crooked" mansion
The goal of MK ULTRA programming is to compartimentalize the mind of the victim so their personality is split into multiple alter egos that are no longer under their control. These alters act based on what they’ve been programmed/triggered to do
The mansion is a representation of this compartimentalized mind, each room being a different alter/programming.
To program someone, they use a lot of different techniques, but the most known are rape (usually involving multiple person at once)/sexual trauma and brainwashing through electric shocks and repeated sentences/code words.
What is a handler ? A handler is someone who’s been previously initiated in the industry. It can be another celeb, a bodyguard, etc. Notable handlers are Jay Z (Beyoncé), Kim K (Kanye) and Ellen DeGeneres (multiple celebrities)
What is their job ? They simply make sure the mental slave is always under control, they watch them and use trigger words/touches to put them back in their mental transe if necessary. There are multiples examples of celebrities mental program "glitching"
Throughout the clip, we can see Cardi B demonstrating her influence on Megan. At some point, they’re in a room full of snakes. Snakes are a symbol for the occult members who are behind all of this. This could represent her ritual initiation through collective rape(1)
(2)or simply a metaphor of her being handled and guided by Cardi B who is herself under the influence of all the occult members in the industry.
the beginning of the clip shows water leaking from the mansion through doors with Lions’s heads ornaments on them. The water can represent the "baptism" that the celebrities are going through to attain higher fame levels. And for the lions... Beta Kitten, again.
THEN, my favorite part. The famous Kylie scene. Everyone was confused about why she was here in the first place because it was random af. But it’s very calculated. Kylie represents the "supreme handler” coming to assert her dominance (notice the leopard print ensemble) (1)
(2) and disseminate the programming in the mind/mansion. The whole mansion looks like a brothel and Kylie would be the matriarch. She’s been a fundamental figure in the hyper sexualization propaganda for years so it’s just common sense that she’s there.
(she’s also friends with Megan and Cardi B)
(3) She passes by a room/corridor with a leopard in it, and you can briefly see a lightning bolt behind it. Metaphor for the beta kitten electric shock programming happening in the mansion/mind
(Also Kylie is a leo sun but idk if it’s relevant, just an interpretation)
Kylie then opens a door and looks at us as a way to mean she’s inviting the viewer to go into that beta kitten mental compartiment. And let’s see what’s in this particular room.....
....... FULL BETA KITTEN SYMBOLISM. Leopard prints everywhere on the walls and on Cardi’s clothes. The mirror represents the mental dissociation/depersonalization happening after the programming/trauma. I think there’s even a cage on the left.
Subliminal image of a snake coming out of her mouth. Notice the chain-like hair with represents her enslaved mind/sexual slave status, and the snake seems to be a direct continuation of it. Metaphor : everything she says/does does NOT come from her. The occult talks through her
In this scene, Cardi is rapping about a how she’d like to be fucked and all the very explicit sexual acts she wants to engage in. This is like a mantra , imprinting into the minds of the masses. , this is what beta kitten is about. Sexual depravation/obsession
(continuing this thread later)
OK back to business. Now we’re gonna go a little deeper into symbolism. First, the colors . You’ll notice a lot of black and white/checkered patterns throughout the clip. In the occult B&W represents duality
this duality is illustrated by the gap between the alters. The slave mental state, and the "normal" mental state. The seen and the unseen. Here we can see that Normani is holding an umbrella, umbrellas also represent mind control
Color coding is really important too. I talked about pink representing mind control reinforcement earlier, purple represents the same thing.
The Rainbow is an occult symbol to illustrate personalities splitting. (pulsating colors are apparently used during programming too)
this scene to me show what’s happening inside the mind after the victim has endured her programming. Multiple personalities, notice the stripes (duality), and the "gears" on the wall (mental process)
(i’m sure there’s an even deeper meaning or more complex references in this scene but i’m just scratching the surface here.)
Like i said, Cardi B is guiding Megan through the mansion/the MK programming, and near the end they’re opening multiple doors where you can see "lower"celebs like Rubi Rose or Rosalia dancing. They are the "newbies", showing off their potential to become beta sex kittens too
So to me this is a ritual/initiation program to let Megan attain her "handler" level. Now she also has the power and influence to form beta sex kittens juste like Cardi B did with her. Someone said that Megan being shot earlier was completely related/calculated. (1)
Megan allegedly got shot in the feet by Tory Lanez . Shortly after, Kylie posted a pic of her own foot on instagram, which ruffled some feathers cause people thought this was a shade. I actually think this was simply foreshadowing the ritual
That would also explain why Kylie is in the video. All of this was planned. The "shooting" was part of the ritual. This is symbolism and talking through code AGAIN. Also, look at this picture she posted on instagram recently ..... is that Kris Jenner in the back ? đź‘€
(notice the pyramid scheme lmao)
i’m not even gonna y’all about this because.... please. The checkered floor, the colors, the outfit... you get it. 💀
The pool scene is really explicit, satanists/occult members believe in rebirth and baptism too. Megan is literally being baptised under Cardi B’s supervision. Offering herself fully to the "dark side” and occult world’s mental slavery agenda .
Now let’s go back to the first scene. The "leaking" mansion. This video isn’t just about Megan’s initiation, it’s also about the masses mental programming. The water is leaking towards us, suggesting this whole "baptism" ritual is about infiltrating OUR minds in the end.
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