What do I have to oil myself in to get my elbow eczema to stop feeling like it’s being run through by hot pokers from time to time?

All suggestions welcome.
It’s the only thing this THC oil doesn’t work on. And most topical pain relief doesn’t work in me except biofreeze & this oil.

But I’ll try fried oatmeal if it’ll make this stop.
Btw it may interest you that I used to have eczema all over my thighs, on my arms & the inside of my elbows.

I bathed in filtered water for a couple of years and it mostly cleared up.
Turns out I’m allergic to chlorinated water & insecticide.

May not work for everyone. But fight tool & nail for the skin prick allergy test. They’ll say they have given it to you before.

But our bodies & environments change as we age.
Example -I used to love peaches. Then I turn 39 and they started giving me a rash on my eyelids.
Oh for the filtered water- you can buy a filter that treats the water before it gets in your house. Or less expensively, a shower filter.
If you have a huge filter on your sink, you can bathe by the bucket, saving tons of water.

But you’ll have to boil some of you like it super hot, and mix it with the highest temp your sink does.
Another hack I tried is finding coupons for hotels with restaurants attached.

If they’re filtering the restaurants water, I assume all the facilities water is filtered.

Hit or miss though.
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