“How can you be _____ and christian?” is essentially asking “How can you be ______ and believe in a creator God that loves you and others?”

Most of the time, it’s a ridiculous thing to ask because many different people can definitely believe in a God that loves them.
“How can you be gay and believe in a creator God that loves you and others?” Um, easy.

“How can you be goth and believe in a creator God—“ Easy.

“How can you be feminist and believe—“ Easy.

“How can you be a liberal creative writer and—“ Bruh. Easy.
But fill in the blank with the stuff that deal with actual contradictions and the question is a real one.

How can you be racist and believe in a creator God that loves you and others?

How can you be white supremacist? Nationalist? Sexist? Homophobic? Classist? Hateful?
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