Diversity is the representation of all our varied identities and differences (race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, tribe, caste, socio-economic status, thinking and communication styles, etc.)
Equity seeks to ensure fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to information and resources for all.
Inclusion builds a culture of belonging by actively inviting the contribution and participation of all people.
One person, group or organization can not tackle all it takes to ensure a successful execution of the above mentioned. You need different voices with different focus points in order to create effective change.
We need to go FAR AWAY from tokenism, the add one and stir approach and the cookie cutter approach to diversity, equity and inclusion.
No one person, or group, or organization can be called upon to represent an entire community of people. Put the pedestals away and recognize that collaboration, innovation and long term commitment is what it takes to truly make a difference. If you aren’t committed to that,
Then you’re in the way and you should remove yourself because you’re prohibiting true, authentic and organic growth.
We don’t have all of the answers, but we’ve been committed since day one. We practice that of what we preach. Beer Kulture has been funded completely by the two individuals who started it in 2017 up until this point (of announcing nonprofit standings) & I say that to say this.
Put your money where your mouth is. Invest your time into the things your mouth say you care about. & Stop trying to convince us that you are inclusive and just BE INCLUSIVE.
We need more INVESTMENTS and less knee jerking tag lines and diversity panels. We need more authenticity and less performance. We need MORE!
You can follow @beerkulture.
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