the Venn diagram of

people collecting guns and ammunition to “protect themselves and their families”


people refusing to wear a mask to protect themselves and their families

is a very confused, nonintrospective circle
and it’s proof positive that the people who have been Talking Big For Years about how heroic they’ll be when the sh*t inevitably hits the fan

are, in point of fact,

utterly f**king useless now that the proverbial sh*t has hit said proverbial fan
Turns out, to survive all the looming disasters (pandemics, climate change, depressions) what we *don’t* need are guns and soldier cosplay and macho posturing...what we need is thoughtfulness, community, and scientific literacy

try measuring your manliness that way
Petition to Lysistrata anyone buying into “real men don’t wear masks” until they stop actively trying to kill us
Also: “to Lysistrata” really needs to become a verb
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