How I CRUSHED my addictions.

A thread on how to see your addictions in a new light & move towards liberation🧵

Whilst I see no need to school you in how pernicious addictive behaviour is.

It would be naive of me not to being light to how they manifest themselves in different forms:

- Smoking
- Alcohol
- Drugs
- Porn
- Food
- Social Media

& even your own suffering can be addictive.
The paradigm shift I wish to offer you is in the realisation that the outcome or thing itself is NOT the object of your suffering.

Rather it is the relationship you have with that habit, and even deeper than that, it is the - attachment to the sensation - that is at the root.
If we can begin to see that it is only the attachment to our feelings that causes our suffering, everything begins to shift:

- Don't give up food, give up GREED
- Don't give up porn, give up LUST
- Don't give up social media, give up VALIDATION
Addiction is a false crutch you lean on to feel more whole

Pleasure is currency only for the ego; it will not sustain you

Renounce compulsivity & clinging of the ego

& you will find that you have been trying to become something you already are

Meditate on this.
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