I’m often asked for recommendations about what to read to learn about epidemiology. But listing books is kinda boring content.

So, in no particular order, here is Taylor Swift as Epidemiology Books You Should Read!

Causal Inference: What If by @_MiguelHernan & Jamie Robins
Epidemiology: An Introduction by @ken_rothman
Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health by @AnnfromBoston & George Seage
Social Epidemiology by Lisa Berkman, Ichiro Kawachi, & @MariaGlymour
Because this pic is perfect, the 3rd edition of Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health by @AnnfromBoston & George Seage
Epidemiology and The People’s Health by Nancy Krieger
Gordis Epidemiology by David Celentano & Moyses Szklo
Epidemiology Matters by @epi_kerrykeyes & @sandrogalea
Racism: Science & Tools for the Public Helath Professional by @DrChandraFord et al
Modern Epidemiology by @ken_rothman, @Lester_Domes & @TimothyLash
Infectious Disease Epidemiology by Konrad Nelson & Carolyn Masters Williams
A Dictionary of Epidemiology by @miquelporta
The @CDCgov Field Epidemiology Manual
Epidemiology By Design by @EpidByDesign
Neighborhoods and Health by @drdustinduncan & Ichiro Kawachi
Epidemiology: Beyond the Basica by Moyses Szklo & Javier Nieto
You can follow @EpiEllie.
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