Joe Biden is about to make his first primary executive decision as perhaps the next President of U.S. And the case for him to pick #Warren4VP is overwhelming. She is the best choice - the correct one based on data and political/policy reality America is now facing. đŸ§”â†˜ïž (1/25)
Biden needs to “look past the Moneyball picks who might net him a couple votes here or there and look at candidates who have a vision, know how to make a plan and can actually govern. That’s Elizabeth Warren.” (7/25)
Biden needs a governing partner and if he “wants to win the White House and govern like a New Dealer, Warren is his indispensable partner." @jbouie (8/25)
WORTH NOTING: 91 percent of black voters in swing states thinks race shouldn’t be a factor when picking a VP. (16/25)
Furthermore, "[A]bout 7 in 10 black voters ... said they would be satisfied if Warren won the Democratic nomination for president ... That suggests favorable ratings possibly durable enough to apply to the vice presidency under Biden." (17/25)
Warren is the most preferred choice among college students including black students - a constituency Biden desperately needs to activate this Fall (18/25)
Recent NY/Siena poll data also shows Warren continues to have the highest favorability rating among all candidates. (19/25)
Just days ago with just 4 days notice Warren raised $1.7 million and attracted 50,000+ donors in an online fundraiser. NO ONE else can generate this kind of passion for Biden/Democrats as VP (21/25)
In closing this đŸ§”- this is it Joe Biden - your boomer generation will not get another chance to restore some faith in Democratic Party - in the moment we are living. Warren is the one. She is made for this moment. Let's get it done. LFG. (25/25)
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