

This is a question people ask themselves and I will share some ways I use, this will help you, if you follow this thread I believe they will be of help.
I believe your goal(The holy grail) is the most important thing right now, sometimes you are at your lowest because things are not working out, let me take you down some ways I use.
1. Convince yourself you want to do it- this is one of the easiest thing to do, motivating yourself, make hard look so easy. I like being that capable person. I can do anything, that's me and so should you.
2. Take control- we all have so many responsibilities daily, you are also expected to concentrate on your goals, too much to work on. The power to control anything is in your hands. Make things happen because that's what billionaires like you and me do.
3. Surround yourself with people who are working hard- if you want to move faster towards your holy grail surround yourself with warriors, I like to be around warriors like,
@MindMusMoney @
Whether co-workers in your 9-5 make sure you roll with greatness, that's how greatness born.
4. Break your tasks into smaller chunks- small wins accumulates into big breakthroughs, they may seem trivial but the can boost your inner work tremendously, trust me.
5. Stay focused- it is difficult to motivate yourself to keep working if you're not able to concentrate on the task at hand. Make yourself unavailable and if you have trained people that you are too available, edit that in their minds.
6. Remember your "WHY" - Let me tell you something, nothing is more motivating than reminding yourself why you are doing the work. When you are building a product you love or putting food on the table for your family. It is an inspiration.
7. Stay positive- No one will tell you this but I will, failure is inevitable but it's how you deal with failure that determines whether you will be ultimately successful. Finding your strengths builds your self-esteem.
Those are just but a few techniques I apply to motivate myself to keep working. I know this will help you,

You can also receive a copy of my course here and you can learn more about my writing and communication skills. 👇👇 https://gum.co/JIKNE 
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