1/Hillary Cinton was magnificent on #AMJoy today. Here’s a thread of great things she said: “Basically, he (trump) signaled he’s going after Social Security&Medicare. I don’t know if he understood that. You never know what he knows&doesn’t know about how government operates.”
2/Hillary on trump trying2eliminate payroll tax by Exec Order: “It was a stunt. Most likely unconstitutional...but he sent a signal2voters that if you’re unfortunately unlucky enough2have him be President* again you’ve seen what he’s going2do to Social Security&Medicare.” #AMJoy
3/Hillary: “Any of us in the press or who have any kind of platform should be ready to speak out and defend the woman who Vice President Biden picks. They’re going to go after whoever he puts on the ticket, whichever woman...no matter how accomplished.” #AMJoy
4/Hillary: “Oh my gosh, there’s never been an ambitious man apparently. At least I don’t hear that word applied to a man. So, we’ve got to defend the right of women to seek&hold power. And I think we’re going2get a lot of practice on that as soon as Joe names his choice.” #AMJoy
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