When Truman made the decision to drop the first bomb, Japan had been effectively defeated, firebombed, blockaded, bleeding, sorrounded & starving. The highest ranking officials thought it was unnecessary. Nagasaki was a vulgar display of power, a deterrent to Soviet expansion.
Truman had received a message from Emp. Hirohito during the Potsdam Conference, expressing a wish to end the war with negotiation. Truman sought unconditional surrender. Same time, July 16, 1945 the 1st atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico. (Malloy 124-5)
The U.S. had spent 2 billion dollars on the Manhattan Project. The momentum of this project surely had some effect on the use of it to end the war. But *how it was used is key. The US firebombed Tokyo, killing over 100,000. Civilian populations were targeted in Europe and Japan.
Stimson had a minor heart attack shortly afterwards and retired. Crew members have committed suicide; others became activists; Oppenheimer would later be tried under suspicion of communism; the use ushered in a nuclear arms race, repression and Cold War military/CIA intervention.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur thought the bomb was “completely unnecessary.” This is the guy who was removed from command for advocating nuclear weapons use in the Korean War.
General Marshall, Chairman of JCS William Leahy, Air Force commander Spaatz, and Sec’y of War Henry Stimson opposed use of atomic weapons on cities.
Truman and Stimson postponed the Potsdam Conference until after the detonation of the bomb. Stalin had spies and was already working on his own atomic weapon by Potsdam. Henry Stimson feared an arms race with the Soviets and believed the US should share the technology.
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