1 like = 1 thing I like about Superman
1. Definitely believe he’s the most relatable hero. Identify, family, love, loss. Any aspect of your life over the decades there’s been something in his character that reflects it.
2. Between being the hero that can most change the world and the idea that he could’ve landed anywhere, Superman is the hero with the most potential for interesting elseworld tales
3. The wink
4. Best supporting cast in comics. Between everybody in the Daily Planet alone every opion about any given situation can be represented in story.
5. Krypton’s fantastic flora and fauna. Singing flowers, dragons, octosaurs, thought beasts. Crazy fun
6. Every era and interpretation is valid, interesting to explore, and is a good reflection of what culture needed at that time.
7. The best of the best comic creators seen to want to do at least one Superman story. Obviously that’s going to have interesting results
8. He’s great with kids.
9. Fortress of Solitude. As the quite guy. I think it’s totally fair he’s got his own space.
10. He’s a romantic hero. He’s set up a picnic on the top of the Eiffel Tower and gotten Lois’ favorite breakfast from halfway across the world.
11. He’s caring about the environment
12. Starting as the outsider and finding multiple places where he belongs
13. Every individual has a different idea of what the character is and that’s ok. I think it says a lot about the strength of a character to have so many aspects that people can project their lives on
14. Obviously, He’s the gold in use. Our best potential. I don’t think it’s silly to ask yourself “what would Superman do” in real life
15. On the flip side. I think Lex Luthor is the best villain in media because he can represent and explore all of our flaws.
16. That hair curl.
17. I use to not like Kryptonite as a plot device but now the way I see it, we all get drained every once in awhile. Be it through distrust, loss, somebody else’s heartless (get it? because of Metallo). I think Kryptonite is a good symbol for it
18. Speaking of, different variations of Kryptonite! That can just be a ton of fun. You ever not feel like yourself? That a red K story there
20. Jimmy is a great best friend character. His lack of inhibition just resulting in experiences that make him one of the worlds most interesting persons. He dosnt care what people think but he’s still just a sweet heart.
20. Superheroes in general fighting nazis is always cool but there’s just an extra punch when it comes from Superman.
21. If I had to describe in one word honestly I don’t think “hope” is the way to go. Selflessness is closer
22. Here’s something that’s special to me because my wife, a new reader, really honed in on it. Checking on Perry’s heart. I think in moments like this she saw family and it’s a comfort to think of a character checking up on their heath.
23. A lot of people site his many powers as a negative but I think there’s something very charming about how many powers come from the silver age just from the notion of “of coarse he can do that. He’s Superman”
24. Lois Lane being the embodiment of speaking out for what’s right and signing your name on the byline. She’s just as much an ideal to strive towards
25. Unfortunately I think the fable of Krypton is always going to be relevant.
26. The fact that Smallville, Metropolis, and Krypton are all wildly different from each other but all factor into what makes the character.
27. Superman learning such a wide variety of different languages is a little thing that shows he cares
28. the Golden age pages selling him as the greatest adventure character is still true. His stories wil always be a thing of unlimited potential
29. He’s the perfect mentor for younger heroes.
30. Even if he’s not the undeniable strongest hero in the DCU, as the first and greatest he’s a the perfect guy to represent to whole community and lead by example
31. He’s for everyone
32. He’s optimistic but ultimately a realist. He knows he can’t save everybody but it’ll never stop him from trying.
33. Saving cats from trees isn’t a puchline to me. It’s shows no problem is too small. He can find somebody’s pet then save the multiverse and they both matter to him.
34. Every life is precious to him
35. This Morrison quote.
36. Not only is the excess of power not a detractor to story due to emotional conflict. It also doesn’t solve every physical problem. No power is a solution it’s just a tool in a toolbox for a more creative solution.
37. The notion that Superman has a weaker rogues gallery than other hero’s feels like a big misconception to me. I’ve heard Batman villains represent mental problems, to me Supes villains are world problems
38. He dosnt lie. That trust that he garners pays off.
39. At the core I think the intention of the character was a fantasy of what if someone could just solve these problems
40. but he knows people shouldn’t rely on him for every problem and he does believe we’re strong enough to help.
42. Despite all the power I don’t think he’s ever began to consider himself a god
42. I use to be on the side of “oh he’s from Kansas, he’s not Kal-el at all, he’s 100% Clark” now honestly I think that was coming from a lack of understanding about duel culturism.
43. I think both “Clark” and “Superman” are both true indentities. He acts differently at work than he does at home, but we all do. Neither is a false version
44. He loves his cousin.
45. He loves his dog
45. He dosnt care if other people wear the S
46. He’s got the best parents in comics.
47. I don’t think you can pin down his origin to one moment. It’s not Kryton exploding, it’s many lessons from good parenting, it’s expanding his world veiw in Metropolis. It’s one of those things I say makes the characters life feel like a real full life.
48. He cares about collateral damage. It’s never going to be more important than saving lives but I do think he’s extremely mindful of his surroundings. It may not always be relevant to story but I think he always comes back to see if people need help cleaning up.
49. This attitude
50. Maybe too obvious but this symbol. Shuster dosnt get enough credit giving his character an symbol and look that you immediately recognize. That wasn’t the case for the large majority of adventure characters at the time. You could argue he started that trend
51. The glasses. At the time it was a way to show meekness. I think a large part of his success was Siegel projecting his weakness in Clark and then showing that something Super is inside.
52. The Phantom Zone is just such a cool concept. Hauntings from the past in an extremely sci fi way.
53. A lot of people like to compair other mythologies to Superman’s story but I just think Superman has a mythology that stands well on his own and can stand the test of time maybe just as well as Hercules. We’ll see
54. He was taught to not punch down.
55. Kandor is a prime example of how many concepts in this world are ripe for interpretation. It can be survivors guilt, it can be thay problem you can’t change, a thought of what if your life went differently. Its fascinating what a bottled city can be to someone.
56. He can still be overwhelmed. I think it’s important to show that he of all people can also feel this way.
57. He sees potential in his enemies. No matter who
58. He dosnt have much ego but he’s away of who he is and he hold himself up to a higher standard because of it.
59. He’s had a lot more angry moments than people think but he’s never been vengeful.
60. He feels the whole emotional spectrum. Anger is a part of a lot of his stories but again he knows his responsibility and I think he’s learned how to handle his emotions in a healthy way
61. This attitude
62. I think he’s the prime example of non toxic masculinity.
63. Stuff like strength and heat vision is obviously a power fantasy but boy don’t you wish you could have super-memory
64. Being a symbol more than an individual felt more obvious compared to other heroes. Therefore it was established fairly early no matter how much time passes there will always be Superman
65. He’s the multiversal center and that feels undeniably deserved
66. He actively participates in his community and charity events more than any other superhero.
67. The Intergalactic Zoo is awesome. It shows Superman goes beyond earth and has a passion for saving endangered species who face planets with similar fates to Krypton. Plus cool alien creatures
68. My second favorite page in comics.
69. And my first
70. Maybe petty here but first to #1000 issues. That was exciting
71. He dosnt just do good because he has powers.
72. Having a background in farming informs a lot about his character. From valuing life, the earth, to his hardworking blue collar nature. Plus it can just make some cool visuals.
73. Calvin Ellis is by far the most interesting hero outside of the main earth. Superman as president. There’s so much potential there
74. There have been a lot of Super family members over the years but I don’t think he’s ever considered any of them a sidekick.
75. He tries to read all his mail
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