You know who else should name names? The media who allow all these anonymous AD's, presidents & administrators who are more than willing to give juicy quotes but refuse to stand behind what they say. Is that leadership?
I know I was going to withhold from this poop show but I'm getting tired of the pity party I'm seeing from people in my profession.

I don't believe writers are "rooting" for the cancellation of sports but the lines of distinction for many get blurred with a constant barrage...1
...of negative tweets, retweets & likes of bad news. Those can and do give off an air of "See, I told you so."

We the media are human and fall victim to the same foibles as everyone else. One of those flaws is hubris. Nobody likes to be wrong especially when our opinions...2
...are deeply rooted and long held. Now 5 months of COVID aren't, in the grand scheme, a LONG time but folks have been digging their heels in since the start.

Thus, folks get more defensive and bite back harder in sometimes more aggressive ways than usual when challenged...3
This is part of what I see playing out currently regarding the general conversation of sports & COVID.

It does not help those in the media when an overuse of anonymous sources & quotes from the leaders in the sport lead to a heightening of the drama in an already dramatic...4
...and contentious situation. It's not complete storytelling and gives off the air that these administrators, scared to stick their necks out, can hide behind friendly allies in the press.

Again, I don't believe CFB media are rooting for the sport to cease in 2020 but...5
...we have to be smart enough to see how our views & our actions on social media can be read and interpreted.

This does not absolve the "fake news" crowd from their cock-eyed beliefs but I would like a little more media self-policing.

Thank you. Back to my "vacation."
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