An activist educator concerned that woke education won't work with outside observers. Swarm of replies say he's a pedophile grooming children instead of engaging with his argument.
Calling everyone you disagree with a pedophile is a vile bad faith argument, and it's everywhere.
Both the left and the right overestimate how impressionable and fragile children are to their own ends, creating panic instead of dialogue- The original poster and conservative responses all imply that in the right circumstances, children can be molded or brainwashed easily.
Pedophiles are rare, your children aren't that sexy and kids are much more likely to be convinced to believe something bad by their peers or something they find on their own than in a class. Remember that having and discarding weird and radical beliefs is part of growing up.
Choose one
"Young people are susceptible to bad ideas and overly concerned with emotional safety because their parents were too overprotective"
"No one is allowed to have a conversation with my child or educate them on a topic without my permission"
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