Everyone needs to remember this:

The average Christian in the world is not male but female, not white but brown or black, third world, not first world, far more Pentecostal than Presbyterian.
The “average” Christian in the world today is a 22-year old brown female
. She has not been to your conference...she has not read CS Lewis or Christianity Today; she has not read your blog, nor mine, and does not go to Starbucks or care one bit about alternative endings to Game of Thrones
or if the latest lyric from Hillsongs agrees with our confessional standards.
She is also likely the vessel God will use to prophesy to the next generation. -D. Cassidy
If you are Christian remember this. If you are not Christian and alarmed by some of Christendom remember this. Christianity is not a western religion. It is not a white religion. It is not a male religion. It's not an old person religion.
Old white dudes like me, need to remember that. And step back. If you lead like me, lead to equip and release the young- and if possible- the non-westerner. I'm working on 2 projects like this right now, and it is an amazing privilege. #LeadLikeJesus
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