When it comes to wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) for #COVID surveillance, people ask the same question: How come it hasn’t been used before? Well, it has been. Here are a few examples how. 1/13
Wastewater monitoring has been key to detect #poliovirus. Similar to COVID, most polio cases are subclinical, and the virus detection in clinical samples is often a sign of an already ongoing outbreak. 2/13
WBE is also recommended by the WHO and they provided detailed guidelines on how to use environmental monitoring for polio surveillance. It has been used in countries affected by the virus. 4/13
There are also many, many papers, preprints and reviews now on how WBE can be a powerful tool to understand the spread of SARS-CoV-2. See the COVID-19 WBE Collaborative website for full list 10/13 https://www.covid19wbec.org/ 
Again, these are just a few examples of papers I like and my take on the matter. It is far from a comprehensive list of contributions. I am happy to share more if anyone’s interested, though! 13/13
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