THREAD: The Chihuahua & the Wolf

Where are we headed in the US: Communism? Fascism? Civil war? Main threat from Left or Right?

Looked for historical parallels. Knew a lot re French, Haitian & Russian Revolutions. Then realized how ignorant I (& US!) are re Spanish Civil War!
Knowledge among educated Americans re Spanish Civil War limited to 3 things:

1. Franco
2. Guernica (bombing/Picasso)
3. Hemingway

That's like knowing re US Civil War:

1. Lincoln
2. Gettysburg (battle/movie)
3. Uncle Tom's Cabin

To me, Spain is most similar to current US!

I've found what seems like a great Youtube documentary series on Spanish Civil War:

Even more embarrassed by how little I knew!

Here are my current thoughts, synthesizing from France, Russia, Haiti, Spain:

A. Each of above started w/ reasonable populist & anti-aristocratic goals to set up country of laws with egalitarian land reform.

B. Each faced opposition from its ancien regime (& religion in at least 3), but was pushed by populace for more & faster reform.

C. Moderates (Girondists, Toussaint, Kerensky, Manuel Azana Diaz) all FAILED TO SEE emotional tsunamis on BOTH sides. They tried to walk moderate path, but did not see ONLY way to reform was to battle establishment rigidity.

Girondists were slaughtered by Montagnards on left, who then ate themselves till the Bonaparte reaction. Toussaint was murdered by Bonaparte & slavery & French establishment reinstalled till yellow fever destroyed French Army & radicals took over.

Kerensky pussyfooted w/ hated Tsar & let threat of his return remain, while ALSO continuing hated meat-grinder war!

Anyone offering to end those wd have huge popular support, & that was Lenin, sent to Russia by Germany specifically to end war on the Kaiser's Eastern Front!

Republicans & Arana Diaz let old regime/generals linger for YEARS, creating chaos till there was a civil war in all but name. In 1936, when that last step was taken after a military coup, many in populace felt ANYTHING was better than the anarchy.

That scenario (military OR just right wing) is what I'm TERRIFIED happens if Biden does NOT see the broken egg can't be mended by mollifying racists! The festering will cause chaos & bloodshed. New Admin MUST imprison/squelch these outlaws, or we'll face worse in 4-8 yrs.

Trump is consequence, not aberration.

While I 100% support Biden, I’m not convinced he understands this, & thinks we can reason with the scumbags, give them economic benefits that sate their appetite for white supremacy.

We haven't been able to do that in past 150 yrs.

To be clear, it’s not only radical right that will be pushing our country. Radical left will too, more & more as the right increases the chaos!

But, as with Haiti & Spain, the overwhelming threat of authoritarianism in the US is, & ALWAYS HAS BEEN, from the right!

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