If you're talking about price action comparing 2017 $eth run to the current $link run you have to divide by 3 to get a decent approximation of price in order to account for circulation supply. Saying ETH went to 1400, the equivalent would be LINK @ ~450usd not 1400.
This is assuming that a new bull market hits with a similar total volume and or total market cap.
That said looking at the state of the $DXY and current global instability we could see a large Influx into the $btc and blockchain market. $link and the other top ten will fly.
All that combined with the adoption of #smartcontracts in financial instruments much of it powered by #Chainlink and #Ethereum would give these two assets double influx of cash from large player's speculation and actual adoption specifically staking in $ETH 2.0 and in $LINK
As the new #coldwar continues we can expect more decoupling from #China, and more #forex pressure on the $DXY as people see the US printing its way out of problems, $btc $xau and $xag would continue to rise and $btc would add more fuel to $eth and $link, maybe even $xrp
If all of this plays out, we are staring down at speculation Influx into the #blockchain, adoption of $eth and $link plus staking on both, adoption of web 3.0 technology disrupting #fintech and $btc rising because of monetary intervention in the $DXY.
Strap in. #thisistheyear
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