In 2005, Americans asked questions like this about Katrina. The answer was already clear before covid but it’s definitely clear now.

What the moneyed powers inflict on New Orleanians, they will soon inflict on this entire country.
We tend to believe crimes like the federal flood, or deepwater horizon, or the hard rock collapse are isolated products of specific places’ own problems. Then one day we look up and the entire country is experiencing the same thing at the same time. And we don’t learn.
Flint, Puerto Rico, COVID. If you don’t see that every largescale horror now unfolds exactly like Katrina did, you’re just being blind. It’s the same process of blame the victims, let them suffer, and send in the disaster capitalists.
The entire country is now overstuffed with cheap, dangerous, shitty expensive developments like the hard rock. If you think what has happened in New Orleans is an exception, just wait a while and see what comes next.
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