WMMaP Chapter 80: Read Through
Give me a bit to do this in between since I'm concussed and my head hurts. 😅
Lucas visits Athy to inform her father was sleeping. She was worried her dad was sick again. She was supposed to do it herself, but she was afraid she'd get caught if she did.
Athy thanks Lucas for going in her stead. She mentions it's late at night and tells him goodnight. Lucas agrees as she watched her enter her room.

But as she left Lucas thinks back on Claude's condition and was wondering if he should tell her.
Meanwhile, Athy was happy because, even for a moment, Claude treated her like he used to [Reference to Chapter 79, when Claude was teaching her]
She thought they'd never get that close until he retained back his memories because he refused so fiercely. [Scene reference to Claude's birthday; Chapter 51-52]

(Me: 😭😭)
Athy remembers her conversation with Lucas where Lucas remarks she's similar to her dad, but she couldn't believe it, and Lucas wonders what she thinks of her dad. [Reference to Chapter 78]
'Lucas may be right.'
She thinks back on how she's too busy trying to be loved to survive, that maybe, she didn't know her father very well.
'Dad ascened the throne to survive. Nonetheless, he does his best to fulfill his responsibilities.'
(I'm not quite sure what Athy says, but the context seems to be that:

Obelia or The Palace is too loud for nobles, but the place has over a hundred castles.
And while Claude himself is not a cruel man, he still massacred everyone in Ruby Palace)
(I'm just glad she's getting to understand her father a little more and changing her preconception of him)
'You've always been scared and scary to me, but you never pushed me away when I approach you.


(Okay, so what Athy is implying is that she can see Claude was apprehensive of her. It's like both of them are scared of being near the other. Still, Claude let Athy get close.)
(And obviously, Athy also didn't let her fear stop her from building a bond with Claude)
As Athy was lying in her bed, she can't help but ask herself, 'At first glance, [the situation/his behaviour] is contradictory, but perhaps there was a reason for them.'
(Bare with me, there's a lot of reflection and I'm trying to cross-reference.

I also don't feel well... But I haven't eaten yet to drink medicine. 💀)
'Dad's not just a cold emperor in a cruel book. At least, that's the dad I know. But then, why did the father of [Lovely Princess] do that [re: Execute Athanasia]?'
'Lucas said [I] was involved in a curse.'
[Reference to Chapter 70 wheen Lucas explained that Claude used black magic on himself]
Flashback to Chapter 70:
Lucas: 'He feels bad whenever he sees you, so [the curse] is related to you.'

Claude (I can't remember from what chapter): 'I feel an unknown, unpleasant sensation whenever I see you.'
'That's what dad said to me, so did he feel the same way when he saw Athanasia in The Lovely Princess?'

(I'm gonna CRY. Call it intuition, but I feel these reflections will kick things up a notch for what's going to happen next.)
'[So did he also] keep Jennette [in The Lovely Princess] close because the pain from the curse gets lessened?'
Athy thinks: he doesn't want to be uncomfortable. As soon as [LP!Athanasia] was accused of poisoning Jennette, she was sentenced to death without hesitation.

(The panels were used before in previous chapters, I think in season 1?)
'That makes perfect sense.

So, then... Athanasia...

You didn't even know why you were hated...

You didAn't even know why you weren't loved.'

What hurts more is: deep down, her heart knows she was Athy all along. It wasn't another!Athanasia.' LP!Athanasia was an extension of her as her past life, and she's only getting these answers now because she was lucky to be reborn again in that world.)
As tears stained her face, Athanasia was surprised. She asked herself:

what is wrong?

why does it hurt so much?
(Me @ LP!Jennette, Rosalia, Roger, and Caracks:

You made Athy HURT. You all better meet me at the back of a Dㅌnny's parking lot.)
'Why am I so emotionally attached to Athanasia?'

(AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. My heart can't TAKE this anymore.)
'[Her situation] is just like what I've been through.'

(Because it WAS you. 😭)

She woke up next morning with her eyes puffy and swollen from crying the whole night.
Lily is concerned as she stood next to Athanasia's bed. "Oh, princess... What happened last night?"

Athy replies, "I couldn't sleep well last night because my dream was so intense."
Lily doesn't probe Athanasia.

While Hannah arranged Athanasia's bed and Ces helped Athy change, Lily's asks another maid to get a cold towel for Athy's eyes.
As Athy say at the dining table, after thinking all night, she thinks her theory was right.
She said she feels certain things (Like a gut feeling).

If the dreams she had was meant to show what happened after LP!Athanasia's death...
She doesn't know why she had that dream, but...

Since Claude was only relieving the pain by keeping Jennette close, he's not slowing down the effect of black magic on him. He was constantly in a state of deterioration.
(I tried to find where these scenes were referenced in Season 1, but I can't find it, and my head is already in pain, so I'm just gonna show it.)
'Because of that... he ended up [dying]...'

'The [villain] here is the one that appeared in that dream. Who is he?'
(Yup. We're really gearing up for the conflict/climax of this arc)
Athy continued to eat and drink.
'It felt strange, but... I can't remember well because his face was blurry.'
Athy determined that 'the first thing to focus on is why [her] dad's curse got released before he lost his memory (re: How Claude didn't forger her completely). The difference between [her] and [LP!Athanasia] in the book is that [she] met [her] father at a different time.'
LP!Athy versus WMMaP!Athy
'I've been seeing my father for four years [earlier than Athanasia from the book].'
She wonders if something changed. 'I don't think there was any other chance that the curse could have been lifted.'
'That would mean [Claude's] curse broke when he got close to [her].'
(I can't think straight. This whole chapter is basically Athy theorizing around her life like we, as readers, are doing to the story.

Which, btw, mood. It took her a while, though. LOL.)
'[The curse broke] because the reason why you used black magic is the opposite of accepting my existence?'
[The thought cuts to a scene where she talks with Lucas]
"... or is it because I was too cute, I broke the curse?"
[Meaning, Athy was sharing these theories to Lucas]

(I can't with her 😭 She's acting cute in front of the guy who was a crush on her. 😭😭😭 RIP Lucas)
Lucas: With how things are, how come you're suddenly doing this?

(Might butcher this but, in my understanding, he adds:)
I didn't come to see this sight as soon as I got here.
Athy: I've been thinking too much, so I'm a little exhausted.
Lucas: However... you look particularly ugly today. All of a sudden.
Athy, annoyed: Shut up.

(Lucas, there's a saying guys pull on their crush's ponytail in order to grab their attention. 😔)
Lucas: That's weird. [Were your eyes] supposed to look like this?
Athy, looking away: Whatever. What do you think of my theory?
Lucas: [well,] I know you've been thinking hard.
Athy, ticked off: What do you mean?

(His speech didn't suggest he was implying she's stupid/doesn't always think, but he does, kind of, come off as sarcastic)
Lucas answers, saying he was interested in Athy's dream.
Athy agrees it's interesting and seemingly important. However, she admits it may just be a dog dream.

(Note: If one dreams about a cat or a dog [re:dog dream], it means it may not mean anything significant.)
Lucas mentally remarks that sometimes, there are powerful wizards who have the ability of foresight, but he had never seen one who could see a future after death.

Although he hasn't encountered it before, he believes it's highly likely that this [past] actually happened.
Lucas had an internal epiphany:
We're [another] time and dimension.

Lucas tell Athy something he didn't before.
"While I was helping to fix your father, I found out...
There's more than one black spell your father had used."

(Claude, you done f-ed yourself up, my dude.)
According to Lucas, when he saw Claude's mana all tangled up, it seemed like Claude used both Sentimental Magic and Black Magic to erase his memory at the same time.

Lucas explains that, typically, one would only use black magic because it's already risky as it is.
Lucas also adds that he had used magic to erase emotions as well.

[My BABBBYYYYYYYY. 😭 So, Athy is basically the equivalent of a Disney character, breaking curses left and rightn but webtoon?]
Lucas tell Athy: Maybe there was someone he didn't want to think about.

[The fcking implied Diana panel. I'm gonna-]
When Lucas said he thinks he knows who that person is, his eyes narrowed perceptively at Athanasia.
"I think you have someone in mind, too."
(I believe they have different people in mind. Diana was just implied that way because she was the obvious answer, but Lucas has a hint of who could be bothering them.

If Lucas implied Diana, Anastasius/Aetarnithas's official conflict would be pushed back.)
Anyhow, Athy's pic is the end of this chapter. Thanks for reading!

As always, use of 'translation' is prohibited. :)
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