Here is a thing about concern-trolling trans healthcare with talk of "the risks:" Not only do I not trust those people to report the risks accurately, OTHER medications that have "risks" and heavy side effects include psychiatric drugs and much hormonal contraception.
I have complained, in the past, about how little mental health providers do to obtain informed consent re: medication. One put me on a drug that could cause severe birth defects while I was trying to get pregnant.
Another treated my depression with a drug that tranquilizes you & has heavy side effects but reportedly doesn't do much for depression. Some contraceptives have reported side effects -- weight gain, hair loss -- doctors don't discuss at length. Patients share them via Internet.
I have two points: One, when we've decided a population has less value (AFAB people, mentally ill people) the medical establishment considers their quality of life less important. Doctors kept prescribing a contraceptive that caused intense chronic pain, for example. That's real.
Two, we still consider the outcomes -- emotional well-being, not getting pregnant -- worth the side effects. The medications that didn't work for me can be life-savers for others. That's what informed consent is; you run the cost-benefit analysis and make your decision.
If we considered transition equally important, not only would there be more research and funding for trans healthcare, leading potentially to improved treatments, the "side effects" would never be considered more important than the successful outcome of transitioning.
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