The 10 Steps of Wealth Inequality.

1. Government uses central bank to print money to facilitate borrowing.
2. Fed prints money, corporations and rich are best positioned to quickly borrow at low rates.
3. Corporations and Billionaires bid up financial assets as they are...1/4
...the last harbors for yield.
4. Stocks and home prices rise, outpace average worker wages.
5. Wages are suppressed as speculation is seen as a better allocation for capital as assets continue rising.
6. Slow inflation march (think 2% Fed target) slowly strangles the.... 2/3
...average worker's widening gap between stagnant wages and rising living expenses.
7. Consumer debt grows unsustainably forcing excessive borrowing, bankruptcy.
8. Social unrest manifests, though usually under the banner of something other than root cause of the inequality. 3/4
9. Elites/Central Bankers gaslight the public into "new plans" which is a variation of "more of the same" while typically trying to make their critics the villains of the problems they created.
10. Rinse and repeat. 4/4

There is no happy path out of this.
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