Hello! Finally my skincare routine yang I hutang haritu. Sebab banyak benda I kena baca dan kena letak disclaimer, so I taknak buat thread separuh siap. So here it is. Thank you for waiting! You’re the real MVP 🤩
Let’s break this thread into different sections:

✨ Disclaimer
✨ Macam mana I boleh breakout
✨ Apa yang I buat dan pakai - why I choose that products
✨ Apa yang I avoid dari pakai/guna

1. I bukan professional. So I can’t give any consultation or suggest anything.
2. YMMV. Apa yang I pakai dan sesuai dengan I maybe tak sesuai dengan you. Pls patch test first and try one new product at one time.
3. I did consult with doctor. So pls don’t suggest any supplement for me.
4. My skin type is combination to oily. But my skin love wide range of texture. So if my skin love thick cream that’s for dry skin, I’ll love it too. I don’t really mind that.
✨ How I get breakout: It’s pretty much hormonal. I took contraceptive pill. My first month’s pill buat my skin react negatively with any amount of processed sugar. It’s good at one point sebab I boleh la avoid to take it at all cost kan. Tapi I insan yang lemah 😂
So bila I amik je any amount of sugar, dia terus keluar jerawat. Makan coklat pagi, tengahari dah keluar jerawat. Sepanjang sebulan tu memang sehari naik banyak terus. Dalam 10-11 jerawat sehari. Jerawat hari ke 5 tak sempat elok dah naik baru.
I ada tweet about my changes bila guna serum @zarzoubeautyHQ tapi bila new acne keep on coming, serum ni tak boleh nak keep up with the demands 😂😂 So for the second month, my doctor suggest untuk tukar brand lain. And it did good. Takde dah naik jerawat teruk kalau amik sugar.
This picture sebenarnya lepas 14 hari I makan pil baru utk second month. Jerawat ada je naik, tapi tak banyak macam the first one. Kalau yang tertanya ‘eh bukan ke kalau kalau amik contraceptive pill ni muka cantik?’
I’m sorry to disappoint you but that’s definitely not working on me. Control acne tu maybe yes, tapi parut jerawat, blackhead & whitehead tu tak boleh hilang camtu je. Kena bantuan lain jugak. Huhuhu.
✨ Apa yang I pakai and why I choose to use the products.

The first one is OTMS by @yelloskincarehq I use this untuk treat acne, utk parut jerawat and blackhead as well. Untuk whitehead I guna AHA toner by Jumiso.
I pakai OTMS 2x sehari. Without fail. I tido lambat pun I pakai. Lepas tu I add serum somebymi sebab skintella I dah habis. I nak soothing product sebab kalau panas, muka I cam pedih2 sikit. I mix OTMS dengan hadalabo toner warna merah atau mineral water.
✨Kalau you nak try guna otms 2x sehari boleh asalkan otms sesuai dengan kulit.

Tapi kalau skin type jenis dry tak berapa digalakkan kecuali,

✅ Tak guna lama sangat. 5-10 minit okay.
✅ Pagi spot treatment. Malam whole face. Or vice versa.
✅ Mix dengan hydrating product.
Some of your questions yang I jawab siap2.

Q: Boleh ke pakai otms ni overnight?

A: Boleh je tapi bangun tu memang muka jadi kering sikit. So kalau nak buat overnight, better buat spot treatment je.
Q: Macam mana boleh pakai otms sampai 2x sehari tu? Takpe ke?

A: My skin type is combination to oily. And otms ada oat as one of the ingredient. Oat ni dia tak dry macam clay/mud mask sebab dia sendiri ada soothing effect.
Since I pakai otms 2x sehari, obviously the scars faded really fast. Kalau ada jerawat pun cepat kecut. I tak guna any BHA for blackhead sebab dah expired so I just scrub je around nose area masa bilas otms. Tapi kalau tengok before after, boleh nampak the difference.
Selain dari OTMS, I still guna @zarzoubeautyHQ serum. Sekarang dah masuk botol kedua dah. Bila acne dah tak banyak, lagi senang dia nak tackle like how it did the first time. Jerawat kecut, parut pun kurang cepat. I noticed that bila combine -
3 products, serum somebymi, zarzou serum and masking with otms - my skin lagi cepat elok.

Somebymi : soothing redness, reduce acne flares, utk parut jugak

Otms: parut, acne, blackhead

Zarzou: parut, uneven skin tone & dia cepat bg my skin glow balik
✨ Maintenance: Walaupun otms works for blackhead on me, tapi I still guna AHA by Jumiso sebab yang ni lagi berkesan on my skin. I suka Jumiso ni sebab gentle tapi power. Sesuai jugak utk beginner yg basic dah kukuh.

Baca review sini: https://www.instagram.com/p/B1gV_Qtnyie/?igshid=f9i2x54u80k7
Untuk moisturizer, I guna 2. Krave Beauty Oat So Simple dan Cerave Healing Ointment. Krave ni dia tersangatlah best sebab ada 10 je ingredients. So senang nak detect kalau your skin tak sesuai. Function dia cuma satu je. Provide moisture to your skin.
Kalau you dah biasa dengan moisturizer yang come with extra benefits like bg muka cerah ke apa, this one might not suits you. Tapi I choose this moisturizer sebab muka I tengah breakout. So I don’t really need fancy. My skin just want the basic.
Texture dia cam fluffy cloud. Absorbs beautifully. Light texture, so takyah risau muka nak rasa suffocated masa pakai ni. I ada review kat sini.


Masa muka tak okay, this will be perfect for me. Tp kalau masa muka I okay, I will need something more.
For Cerave Healing Ointment tu pulak. Kalau nak tau texture dia sebijik macam vaseline. Maybe thicker. Dia acts as skin protectant la. Since dia ada ceramide and hyaluronic acid jugak, it’s a good product nak guna masa nak repair balik skin barrier.
I noticed that bila I pakai Healing Ointment ni, I bangun pagi dengan muka well hydrated. Pagi2 pun glowing. Nampak berminyak tp tak. Tapi mesti ada yang cam runsing nak pakai balm texture kat muka kan. I found this trick lepas sebulan guna ni 😂
✨ Tips: Lepas picit kat tapak tangan, warm it up with your palms sampai dia cair. Massage your neck first, lepas tu apa yang tinggal sikit2 tu baru dab2 dekat muka. Ointment ni berubah texture dia ikot cuaca. So jangan letak kat tempat panas. Nanti dia cair.
Kalau I dah buat pm routine awal, last step I buat Krave je nanti lama2 jadi kering - so I seal off with Cerave Healing Ointment dah setel. I think dry skin will love Cerave but oily skin can try my tips.

I bagi link siap2 untuk Cerave, AHA Jumiso and Krave Beauty tu.
✨ Compulsory tips that change my life:

Reapply your sunscreen! If you see the before picture, sebenarnya dah nampak okay sikit compare to before. Sebab I dah start reapply sunscreen 4-5 kali sehari. Lepas I start guna otms 2x a day, I consistently reapply.
And that what’s help my skin to recover faster too. Tak guna kalau pakai serum beratus untuk treat scars tapi tak pakai sunscreen. Bazir jee. Nanti you cepat rasa putus asa sebab tak nampak hasil. Jadi, reapply. WAJIB!
✨ Apa yang I avoid:

1. Add new products at one time. Sepanjang 2 minggu ni I cuma tambah Somebymi Truecica serum je. Itupun I patch test seminggu and monitor closely kalau ada any bad reaction. Walaupun ingredients dia I takde problem pun tapi I taknak jadi tikus membaiki labu
Benda yang boleh elak and you rasa tak perlu, tak perlu tambah. Lagi2 masa fasa nak bagi elok je muka.

2. I tak guna acid excessively. I ada mention yang I guna AHA to treat whitehead. Well I guna dalam 2x seminggu je max. Itupun spot treatment je not the whole face.
3. I tak guna new sheet mask.

Since sheet mask ada banyak ingredients and it’s a bit hard to track and check satu2. So I just guna sheet mask yang my skin dah familiar. Contohnya macam Kaymem punya mask. I boleh terus skip moisturizer even the healing ointment terus. Dah cukup.
4. Last but not least. Don’t pick your skin. One of the reason why I got so many scars ni sebab whitehead and blackhead I tiba2 ada dan terus banyak gilaa. It’s everywhere. So I geram sebab muka menggerutu, I pun picit. Jadilah scars hitam2 sebab masa ni masa reapply ss.
Don’t be like me. Huhuhu. So that’s all that I can think of. Kalau ada soalan boleh tanya. Kalau yang rasa info I salah boleh tegur. Nanti I betulkan. Terima kasihh. 😊

End of thread ~
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