Why loyalty to your team can ruin your season 🧠

Last season I won my work mini league. Because I was the best manager? no. Because I always picked the best players? no.

Because too often I knew what others would do. Read on to discover how 👇

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So one of my favourite managers in our work mini league is Ed. Always good for a bit of Whatsapp humour, knows his football inside out and is fiercy loyal to his beloved Hammers ⚒ Every year he picks his team, every year its the same 💩. Two from Liverpool, couple from City...
the odd Wolves defender and you guessed it ... 3 West Ham Players. Generally the best 3 money can buy and always their latest signing (whether 💩 or not). Every year he finishes about 11th from 40. Same again this year. Within a few weeks of the season starting, he's generally ..
there or thereabouts (because he know his football and the premium players generally deliver for him). As the weeks go on, he slowly slides. As he slides, he uses his transfers to swap in the latest form player and he might pick up a couple of places. But what does he rarely do?
He rarely touches his precious West Ham boys because "I go every week and these lads are good, best we got" Best they've got or best FPL's got? As the season progresses he may drop down to 2 WHU boys but never less. As a result, we know he'll struggle when WHU struggle (often)
Now its easy to play against Ed because he's too loyal to his beloved West Ham but what about if your biggest rival supports Liverpool? Well this season, that happened and I used it to my advantage massively...
When Fernandes hit form, my biggest rival got a WhatsApp from me ... "Fernandes is on form but you'd have to flog Salah or Mane to get him. I reckon he's better than both 😉" ... red rag to an Anfield bull. A Man U player better than a Liverpool boy? He refused to accept that...
I was confident he'd show loyalty to his Liverpool lads so I captained Fernandes. Cue Fernandes scoring 30 points (GW32) and he Captained Salah of course for a whopping 4. I gained 26 points with one Whatsapp message. Final result at the end of the season? I beat him by 22.
If there's one lesson for any new players. Don't pick players because they play for your favourite team and look nice on a Saturday Afternoon, pick them because they get FPL points. Finally, I know what you're all thinking - who does this muppet support them? ...
A mid table Championship team so no loyalty for me 😁. In FPL, loyalty to your club doesn't pay.

Thanks for taking the time to read. As ever, all ❤ and 🔄 hugely appreciated. Keep following for more. The Phantom 🎭
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