1500 days into my flaneurship, here some immediate thoughts and #lifelessons

I have lived through 10 complete sets of 1500 days so far. Most people would say that their childhood or youth was their best time. I can confirm that as far as I am concerned, the last set has been by far the best 1500-day set in my life.
What sets the last 1500 days apart, is that for the first time, I didn’t get tossed around by destiny or factors beyond my control. Throughout my life, external circumstances forced me onto paths, which I didn’t necessarily want to take.
For the first time in my life, I was in a position to take full control of my life. This tryst with self efficacy has made all the difference.

Monetarily I am probably relatively poorer today compared to the alternate history where I would have continued my high paying Job. And yet, I’m far richer today in any aspect of life I choose, including wealth.
My only source of earning today are my assets, mostly financial. In the alternate life, if I had continued with my job, I would have these earnings, plus the 50 monthly salaries, 4 bonuses, ESOPs & extra income I could have generated on investing these! Yet, I am wealthier!
As Chris Rock said, “Wealth is not about having a lot of money, it is about having a lot of options”

It is this Optionality, that makes me feel like a king. I have already announced it to the world that I deal with only Top few people of my choice and...
..do Top few activities of my choice. Whom I deal with and what I do is now an exclusive club, the entry to which is by Invitation Only. Nobody and nothing can barge in my life without my permission.

Of course, external circumstances are not in my control; but they never were, irrespective of the choice of my path 1500 days back.
More on the optionality, I exercise today -
I have no time for wasteful people and wasteful activities. I have all the time in the world for people and activities of my choice.
I have no liability or obligation to anyone other than my family, some close friends and relatives.
No boss or top management to answer, no customer to ask for business.
I don’t have to sit through any corporate meetings. I don’t have to do any lunches with the team, boss, client, business associate. I say yes to a lunch invite only if I want to.
I hardly have any moments of squeeze; no deadlines to deal with - I want to be richer, but there’s no deadline; I want to be fitter, but there is no deadline.
I used to spend three hours a day on commuting; no longer. I visit Malls on weekdays, stay at home on weekends.

I don’t wake up with an alarm, any more.
My personal To Do list doesn’t wait for the weekend.
No Boss, no Corporation, decides my financial fate. I take full control, responsibility and accountability of my financial matters.
Optionality is the ability to minimise your resources (exposure, time, money or energy) to those external events which can harm you and maximise your resources to the ones which can benefit you...Head I win...Tails I don’t lose much!
Some Outcomes -
I may not by richer, but wealthier
I am definitely fitter. The objective was to get lean and muscular. I have shed excess weight. I’m lean and on the way to get muscular.
Time I saved on commuting, I spend on fitness & reading.
I can run faster and jump higher than I ever could. I go for Himalayan Treks.
I have spent most of my time with my loved ones.
I’m my daughter’s swimming and badminton coach. I’m always there for all family functions and friends gatherings. I get wet in rains. I play board games.
I often go for boating regularly, gaze at the hill from my window every morning.
I do a lot of reading. In the last 1500 days, I have read some enthralling stuff across various domains.
I have travelled a lot with my family - longer and unplanned.
I believe this is only a start. I have some big plans close to my heart, I am on track to fulfilling those in about 10 years!

Confucius said that,
“We have two lives, and the second one begins when we realise that we have only one.”
I somehow believed in this decades before I got to know Confucius had already claimed the copyright to this philosophy....
...I worked diligently at this day & night, until I began my second life 1500 days back, when I quit my Corporate Slavery.

To a long and kicking life!🍻

P.S. - Image from my Trek: Leaving the Tree line behind, on the way to the snowline!

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