I need to say this! I see many negative tweets about a fandom hating on Kit again in my tl. I knew it that they would do something if Kit & Sing appear together with their faves on an event. That's the reason why I wasn't happy about the announcement that they'll appear together
I don't hate the new cp but many of their fans have proven to be immature, at least the ones I don't avoid. They do something like that then complain why we exclude them from HT? They managed to fight with every fandom & make many exclude them & their faves in few months only!
It's an achievement to make almost everyone in bl fandom have enough of them and taking their distance! Srly I'm impressed that they left a negative mark on the ones they claim to love & isolate them
At least peraya is known for being too big & rich and stealing many awards 🤧
You know how KS are seen in this industry? Companies, media & celebreties & other fandoms respect them and have good impression on them. You see how the media always treat them? You have to prove them to achieve that!
They are called the Nadech & Yaya in the Y world for reason!
Krist Singto saved gmmtv! Bl world is filled with many bl series & you discovered your fave because of them! Be grateful!
Krist & Singto have already provedn themselves, not only because of Sotus achievement but because of their chemistry, many awards & respectful & good manners!
Did you see anyone from the entertainment business ever say anything bad about Krist? No! Why? Because they know him than you & respect him for who he is!
KS & Peraya don't need to prove themselves anymore. They and we have achieved everythings we can get our hands on already 🤷‍♀️
It's your time to prove yourselves. You need what KS and Peraya, Yuyu & Samoon achieved before you can mess with our fandom!
KS are proud of us because we have manner!
Peraya stop wasting your precious time on them & make sure that Krist receive Singto's award at the kazz award!
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