53 Sunday’s
Goal: To not be a burden on my wife and children but be an example.

I started on my 60th birthday with my wife as my nutritionist and son as my trainer. Dieting and working out in the past led to the 1st two pictures, time to revamp everything.
1st Day
Diabetic on 3 Metformin a day
Statins first cholesterol
3 bulging discs (hard to sleep)
Hip re-replacement gone bad leaving me with 3 quads in one leg, daily neuropathy pain and having to use a handrail to get up and downstairs.
Fuel/nutrition, not diet, started the mindset. An 1800 to 1900 daily intake that in January went to 30 carbs or less with the bulk of calories coming from protein and fat. My wife has come up with so many combinations, it’s never boring.
Training took time to find what I actually like to do and then incorporate. Half cardio and half resistance in the beginning, going slow to let the old tendons without being damaged. I hate cardio so the focus turned to much more resistance training and...
...later added body weight exercises. Along the way, there were injuries and learning how to recover, learning why stretches and correct form were key to this old guy. I came to understand that to achieve my goal, these changes implemented, are for life.
53 weeks later
156#, Down 47#
Lost13 1/2” off waist
Waist to hip ratio went from 1.04 to .87
Off all medication
No back pain
Stairs aren’t a problem
Latest trap bar lift was 320#
On to 53 more Sunday’s
Many thanks to many people here.
Training, mobility and nutrition
Continued friendship and inspiration
I could go on and list everybody I had interacted with. You are the reasons I have stayed on this forum. The young respectful generation, the ladies that are doing what’s needed and the rest of you who have made me feel I’m not alone on the journey.
Told you Shane, warts and all
You can follow @tsunamibob.
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