'If you want to know where the new good jobs will come from, look to the great untapped talent of America’s women, of its Black men, of the highly skilled immigrants that study after study show to be catalysts of innovation and job creation' @jimtankersley https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/06/sunday-review/middle-class-prosperity.html
'The economy thrived after WWII in large part because America made it easier for people who had been previously shut out of economic opportunity — women, minority groups, immigrants — to enter the work force and climb the economic ladder' @jimtankersley https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/06/sunday-review/middle-class-prosperity.html
'If America can once again tear down barriers to advancement, it can tap a geyser of entrepreneurship, productivity and talent.. to produce the strong growth and low unemployment that drive up wages for the working class, including working class white men' https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/06/sunday-review/middle-class-prosperity.html
Read @jimtankersley's excellent @nytimes article, then watch my @3PercentConf keynote on 'The Future For White Men In Advertising', which applies to the future for white men in every industry and at every level of society:
You can follow @cindygallop.
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