How would you define marriage? As a Bond of love or as A Treaty?
You might be wondering how marriage can be a Treaty? Well, the moment you ask for dowry, marriage turns into a treaty. Dowry becomes the assurance factor that your child will be safe...
The first picture you would've imagined would be the groom's family asking for dowry, and the bride's family getting the assurance.
Have you ever thought it the other way round?
Back in the 80s, women were burnt alive because of dowry. That was when Section 498A was passed.
Section 498A was passed to protect women from the atrocities. But soon it turned gender biased. Women started taking advantage against their husband and in-laws. They filed complaints against their husbands, in-laws and even distant relatives if their demands were not fulfilled.
Under Section 498A, if a woman filed charges, then everyone in the family including a 2 month old, 97 year old or distant relative, will have to go to jail. This created a major gender bias and hence a loophole in the law. Men could not fight for themselves despite being innocent
Shocking! Isn't it? How can women misuse the law that was made for their protection?Is this even possible?Martyr's of Marriage a documentary by Deepika Bharadwaj tells you the real life stories of men who've been through this. Watch this eye opening doc...
This documentary aims at letting you know how the law that was made to protect women turned into violation of men' right. This is a completely eye opening doc that shows you the other side of the same coin...
I urge you all to watch this documentary...
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