A charter in Occitan, the oldest living language of France, dd 11 Nov 1289 ("Vo ydus novembris), conveying a vineyard by sale from P. Barrieira to Esteve Garcola 'a la Crotz' in Burlats ('una vinha que ieu avia a la Crotz'). There is still a Rue de la Croix in Burlats today. 1/2
Just south of Albi lies the city of Castres. Burlats is just east of Castres, in the modern-day Parc of Haut-Languedoc. A number of Roman & medieval buildings still stand in Burlats, including the Adelaide Pavilion, where amour courtois (“courtly love”) allegedly originated. 2/2
This is Rue de la Croix in Burlats today.
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