For women who have crippling period pain on multiple cycle days, (I am one of them) and have to come up with excuses such as fever to get a day's rest, it would be nice for once to have the choice to decide for ourselves if we want a period leave if the option's there.
And men should ideally not be taking a lead on this discussion. Men in decision making position listen to women when making the policy for your team. Women who have painless periods, please, please don't dismiss experiences of those who don't.
Women who have painful periods worried this will lead to discrimination, gentle reminder, you didn't choose this. How workplaces adjust around it isn't your burden. I'm tired of diminishing a severe chronic pain I've lived with all my life as "a headache" or "family emergency"
1. Those arguing there's already sick leave to cover this, period is not a sickness and the leave cannot fall in the same bracket.
2. When you discuss period leave, please also keep in mind women work in unorganised sectors too, doing heavy labour, including paid domestic work+
Any conversation that helps extend the empathy + actual change in homes covering this issue is a good conversation.
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