(1) {THREAD}


This thread will contain useful knowledge on protecting yourself and the use of “camouflage”.

I have been a moderator on Reddit, as well as various other platforms and while I am by no means an expert, I think some of the tips I have..
(2) can help some of the newer folks avoid, or at least trim down - on some of the online harassment they may incur.

The first thing you should know is that 90% of all *far* left accounts you encounter are in fact shills or bots. Nothing you can say will change their mind...
(3) I dont mean your regular Democrats, by the way. I mean the obvious far-left types. No fact, no infograph, no source, no argument will EVER change their mind or red pill them.

They have a few purposes - lets cover these now.

• They want to get you banned.

They want ...
(4) you to slip up. They want you to attack them. To call them names, to use foul language, to do *anything* in general that they can then use to get you banned.

• They want to “slide” the conversation.

This means they want to come in and cause the topic to get derailed...
(5) they want to drive the thread away from the facts and the truth to keep people asleep.

• They want to gaslight you.

If you are unfamiliar with gaslighting, read this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting
(6) The reason for this is simple - the more they gaslight, the more distracted we become.

• They want us to look bad. No, seriously.

Think about it; you’re newly redpilled, youre trying to learn about I7 and the movement, but you see one of us acting like a complete..
(7) jackass in an argument with a lefty. Do you think that would keep you interested? Doubtful.
(8) Knowing what their goals are can help you keep from getting sucked into a needless ban.

Up next - your post history.

They are targeting hashtags and keywords. There are apps and sites available which you can utilize to erase your history in order to better “hide”.
(9) 2 of the apps I use are Tweeticide and Tweek. Tweek will allow you to mass select tweets individually for deletion.

I also utilize http://tweetdelete.net . This site will also allow you to delete likes as well.
(10) These tools are simple to use and self explanatory. Tweeticide costs $3, and honestly tweetdelete is my preferred option as it also removes retweets.

Note; no matter which you use, you will need to manually delete your media (photos and videos).
(11) VPN’s.

You’ll want to be using a VPN. Now, I do not want to give false info here. But I can tell you that if you think a VPN alone will hide you from Twitter or [them], you are wrong. That sort of protection requires more knowledge than I possess.

However, I can tell ..
(12) you that a good VPN can at the least keep shills and trolls from doxxing you. Personally, I use Proton. For more information on what VPN is best and how to use them, refer here; https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-vpn-services, and here; https://www.bestvpnz.com/vpn-101-everything-you-need-to-know-about-virtual-private-networks/
(13) Hashtags.

I realize we all love our hashtags, but my personal suggestion is to take it easy with them. People dont *need* them to know about I7 anymore, we have gotten **that** big, folks.

Furthermore, and going back to my shills/trolls section - the people..
(14) who are following you and seek you out are the open minded who want to learn. Focus your energy on your wall, and the wall of like minded folks. Dont go “off piste” and dont “feed the trolls”. Both acts will lead to being banned or relentlessly harassed across the platform..
(15) Dont go out of your way to attack people. Just dont. For instance, if you see a CNN post you know is bullshit, there is no use hopping in there to argue. NO ONE who is in there defending that tripe is going to be swayed. They are likely paid shills or bots...
(16) all you accomplish here is wasting time and putting yourself at risk.

We are growing everyday, people who wish to be awoken are seeking us out, and they will find us. Think “if you build it, they will come”. We dont need to get sucked into needless arguments to..
(17) spread truth and wake people up.
(18) Attitudes and demeanor.

I know we are all angry and want to end trafficking and save children. I know we are sick of being censored and railroaded and denigrated. I know we are ALL weary. But you have to refrain from being exceptionally brash and boisterous..
(19) you have to watch your language and how you speak to people. It is a huge red flag and will lead to you constantly being banned and harassed. I am more than guilty of this and I had to learn my lessons the hard way. I absolutely HATE being told how to talk. But, if ...
(20) calming down a bit keeps me a bit safer so I can continue to contribute, then so be it.
(21) IMO, “Camouflage” meant keeping yourself safe and discreet online and keeping yourself able to contribute by not being banned. Now, Im not saying all of this will keep you from being banned or targeted, but practicing this stuff certain will not hurt your online
(22) lifespan. Stay safe and God Bless, Patriots. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
You can follow @Absolute1776.
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