By- BIG SMOKE ( @AvocadoJi )

The year was 1919 when TREATY OF VERSAILLES was signed.
which officially ended the brutal WORLD WAR 1.
Now the question arises here is
Did the treaty of Versailles was peaceful?
The answer is NO
What actually treaty of Versailles did is IT PUT GERMANY INTO A GUILT TRIP and also throw germany into a serious economic crisis.
Article 231of TOV, later became known as the War Guilt clause. The treaty required Germany to disarm, make ample territorial concessions,
and pay reparations to certain countries that had formed the Entente powers. In 1921 the total cost of these reparations was assessed at 132 billion marks (then $31.4 billion or £6.6 billion, roughly equivalent to US$442 billion or UK£284 billion in 2020
And by this the TOV
Become one of the main reasons for the WW2.
And also it gave a meteoric rise to ADOLF HITLER.
A person accused of GENOCIDE and also one of the worst person of this EARTH
my point is not on the history of GERMANY or world war 2
But i am pointing out the basis of RIGHT or WRONG
Is treaty of versailles was right?
Or what ADOLF has done was right?
Seriously it doesn't even matter what is right or what is wrong.
Coz RIGHT or WRONG always based on perspective.
For people who get profited from the TOV (allied powers) it was RIGHT.
but for the people of
Germany it was wrong coz they faced consequences.
What ADOLF has done was wrong for many but many still believe he has done what has to be done.
Similarly LEFT WING people who constantly abuse HITLER and rant anyone who opposes communism and label them as FASCIST.
The same communist has killed over 110 million peoples of this world which was huge in comparison to ADOLF'S 7 millions.
But still communist always praise communism because in their perspective killing of 100 million people is/was/will be acceptable.
Mao's PRC single handedly killed about 55 million people by a man made FAMINE, but still people who are the followers of MAOISM still regard him as one the greatest man.
Same goes with modern day ISIS.
people from various parts of the world refer ISIS as a terrorist organization which implies that they think it is wrong
But, people who are muslims either the strongly support ISIS or support them behind the curtains which implies that
They think ISIS is right.
Though ISIS has killed over several thousand people across the world, abducted and raped several thousand of FEMALES, also involved in female trafficking etc.
But still their followers don't give a damn about these acts rather they think
It has to be done..
Again if we see we can find the same example in INDIA also
Just think of famous bengal FAMINE 1945
The man behind the famine was WINSTON CHURCHILL.
About 2.1 to 3 million people died in the famine and majority of them survived the famine in semi starved
For us bengal famine was a blunder by BRITISH EMPIRE and we think it was WRONG
But on the other hand BRITISHERS regard CHURCHILL as one of greatest people ever lived, coz he was the PM during britain wins WW2 and britain was rich at that time.
So much so that americans have made a biopic movie on CHURCHILL in which he was hailed as a saviour of BRITAIN from NAZIS which got an ACADEMY AWARD.
so here also the universal right or wrong doesn't exist.
Again another example..
Now it is deep INDIA
Direct action day was launched by MUSLIM LEAGUE which had killed thousand of HINDUS of kolkata and several areas where muslims were in MAJORITY.
Again at that incident a PERSON become a saviour of HINDUS named GOPAL PATHA
Avenged each and every death of HINDUS and blood bathed whole kolkata and thus bring stability.
For HINDUS what JINNAH and other muslim league had done was wrong
For muslims what GOPAL PATHA has done was wrong.
But followers of them still think they were right.
So, basically universal acceptance of RIGHT or WRONG can't be equal for any human act.
Coz. Right and wrong are the TWO FACES OF THE SAME COINS.
Truth is people who accepts your thoughts will acknowledge you people doesn't like your thoughts will HATE you.
If you see each of these people or org....
From axis powers to ADOLF to MAO to ISIS to CHURCHILL to GOPAL PATHA.
one thing remain inherently common among all these persons that is
you may hate them or love them but you can't ignore them.
Haters gonna hate each and every thing a person does which they don't like..
They will call a person MAUT KA SAUDAGAR or a FASCIST even if he hasn't done anything..
But if anyone fall into that GUILT TRAP he will eventually end into a zero state..
So better be ready for the coming time, don't fall into the guilt trap of RIGHT OR WRONG.
Coz. It was never right OR wrong
It was always RIGHT/WRONG since both are the same.

Babri wouldn't have demolished if KARSEVAKS started to think
"What the world will think about us?"
Demolition of BABRI was a glory for us let's embrace it
And let's accept the fact RAM MANDIR is just the beginning of awakening a civilization not the end.
We have a long miles to go..
Several people will try to TRAP us who have a fear about our awakening.
The will feed us GUILT
But always remember THE WORLD HEAVILY IS BIASED.
It's better to focus on our own and don't ever try to be a pascifist better be a pragmatist.
Even GANDHI get abuse in modern world.
Better throw the cloth from your eyes and see the world for what it is.
We have to focus always on our own peoblems such that we can get a permanently cure.
Such that
No mandir can't ever be destroyed, to men get killed by the hands of JIHADI, no women face sexual abuses and ABOVE ALL

this thread is long.. kindly read it.. and if you find it good.
Please share to others..
Jai shree Ram 🙏

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