This is how the #stage4lockdown list for birding within 5k of my home is looking at the end of week 1.

Best bird so far is probably the early-arriving Olive-backed Oriole heard at the start of the week but not since.

A few other observations about the week...
The number of parrots is worth mentioning; 12 species in total, including 5 species of cockatoo and I'm still quite a few species away from a full house. #birdingathome
My notebook (taken in the style taught to me by @D0CT0R_Dave where a stroke=heard; cross=seen) shows that I hear Grey Butcherbird every day but only saw it for the 1st time today. This says plenty about the importance of acoustic detection (ear-birding) as a survey technique.
No nocturnal species on the list yet. The curfew is a barrier here but there is a Tawny Frogmouth which sometimes hunts from the fence post across the road and I have heard Barn Owls here in the past. There's also a Powerful Owl roost inside my 5k radius so you never know
My 5k radius is landlocked and quite far from the coast so there will be no seabirds for me. There is an ornamental lake and a tiny stretch of the Yarra inside my 5k though so a few water birds are making it onto the list.
Australian Hobby and Peregrine hunt over the house most days but I didn't get onto them this week. Wedge-tailed Eagles also cruise the valley most days but I haven't seen them this week. #birdingathome #stage4lockdown
Finally, even the most common species have brought me joy this week. When most of our friends seem remote and far away at the moment, these birds feel like old friends too.

Take care. See you tomorrow for week 2. #stage4lockdown #birdingathome #Melbourne
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