And the rage is winning. Both sides need to look to their treatment of people who don’t 100% agree, because most people are in the centre of this. It’s not about being kind either, it’s about understanding that there is no hierarchy of rights and no justifiable bullying.
I’m an ally to anyone being bullied because that’s been my primary experience in all social settings. Social media is no different. Where there are institutions there are hierarchies and where there are hierarchies, there is bullying.
We know the mental health impact of being mobbed online. We just shy away from calling it bullying because adults are supposed to be ashamed of being targeted. The tactics are the same at any age. Attack,humiliation, distortion, blame,shame & isolation to feel superior to another
If your sympathy to those being harassed & bullied online only extends to those you agree with, you are enabling bullying. If you deliberately distort the words of another to destroy their credibility & career and call it “legitimate criticism” you are enabling bullying.
If you send death threats & rape threats to women for stating an opinion, you’re a bully. If you publicly laugh at the appearance of trans women, you are a bully. You might believe your doing so for “the greater good” you’re not. You are no different to any other bully in history
There are conversations that need to take place but we first need to create a space which is safe for everyone. We need to create quiet so that talking can happen; not silencing through fear of losing a career or having home addresses shared online.
Everyone is thinking of the kids, but noone should be thinking for the kids.
They need room & they need support,this takes time,a lot of time.
Change via social affirmation is happening fast but social affirmation must include gay & lesbian kids, trans kids & autistic kids.
Until we stop giving into the luxury of rage online we won’t see one another clearly. We’ll keep othering anyone who disagrees as a monster. Whilst ignoring entirely the monstrous truth that as we demand our individual rights, we’ve forgotten our own responsibility to one another
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