All this "there's no evidence anyone tried to obstruct Corbyn in 2017" when 172 Lab MPs stood up in the house one after the other the year before pretty much to say "I wish to obstruct Jeremy Corbyn." When Blair, Mandelson and Campbell all openly admitted it. #Hilarious
....I could find 50 Twitter accounts of Lab nobility right now, openly committed to obstructing Corbyn all through his leadership. Watson's shadow centrist Party within a Party, Kyle knocking doors in Hove pledging to obstruct him if elected, who needs WhatsApp?
...the same 36 or so signed pretty much weekly EDMs opposing their own government's policy or actions. It became a standing joke, you knew who signed before you had to open the links. 7 left *precisely* to obstruct Corbyn in Parliament.
The truth is, an ex-leader & his faction, who last won any election 15 years ago, refused to accept the democratic election of a new leader with a different view, or his Brexit policy and simply used every power at their disposal to end it, take control of policy back and end him
...they refused to accept him from day one - Brexit was just convenient, before the Corbyn coup they all held the same "accept the will of the people, try for a soft Brexit" position. All of them, even Chuka & Watson. They just believed they knew better, so decided to take over.
Anyway, in the end, to stop the destruction, this weird interview happened, Watson stepped down the same week, ceasing centrist hostilities, way too late into GE19.
In return, Labour committed to a 2nd referendum and the rest is electoral disaster.
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