No. of camera angles in the almost kiss scene, starting from when KT grabs MY's wrist - 18. I didn't bother with no. of shots, cos it's a lot and quickly edited, but I did count closer shots as a separate "angle". Details in thread.
1. Medium long shot from the side
2. Close up, camera behind KT
3. Medium close up from side
4. Camera behind MY
5. Close up, camera at the side, angled from MY's side
6. Camera at low position in front of MY.
7. Overhead (shot from gallery)
8. Tracking shot from side. Most likely same camera set-up as #1, but separate takes.
9. Camera behind MY, slightly to the side
10. Tracking shot, most likely from behind the table
11. Camera behind KT
12. Camera behind MY
13. Camera above.
14. Extreme close-up. Camera to the side, more from MY's side. Probably same position but zoomed in ver of #12.
15. Similar to #11, but again, it's a closer/tighter shot.
16. Similar to #9, but again, close-up.
17. Long shot, camera directly in front at a distance.
18. Very similar to #10 but closer (look at their arms).
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