
The @realDonaldTrump Presidency has been a disaster on many accounts, not least for us avid Transatlantisists and friends of America. Time will heal the wounds and I hope that the US will make a comeback sooner rather than later. But...1/5. a believer and supporter of democratic governance, I am worried about President Trump’s longterm impact on public discourse in democracies. I have had my share of insults over the years, but I have never experienced the type of language thrown around nowadays....2/5.
...I remember being shocked about the attacks in the 2016 US Presidential race. Today I find myself almost immune to the tweets of Potus. At the same time I observe uncivilised behaviour in other democracies. The bar for acceptable language has been lowered...3/5.
...Much of what is said is disquised under the veil of free speech, a key element of any democracy. At the same time I believe that freedom of expression comes with responsibility, especially for those in high office. If the President of the US is allowed to insult anyone...4/5.
...why not the rest of us too? This type of polarisation and change in behavioral norms is dangerous for the future of democracies around the world. No matter what happens in the US elections I hope we can come back to respectful discourse before it is too late. 5/5
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