Saudi Arabia has been hemorrhaging through its forex reserves for sometime now & doesn't really have the money to splurge around now. There is a chance they may not give billions to keep Pakistan afloat in which case we will see Pakistanis twerk to Erdogan more than usual.
From the article - "Pak is ready to return $2 billion of the loan to Saudi subject to availability of a similar facility from China"
They really are in deep shit, if Gulf remittances don't pick up soon Pak maybe staring at default.
Will be a great opportunity for us if that happens. They won't be able to sustain even a short war with us, we could do another Balakot or even take back POK.
Pakistanis could also illegally cross over like Bangladeshis, should mine the entire border from Guj to Jammu.
We can do a deal with the Gulf monarchies. We are already an oil market for them, make further economic arrangements(like the Aramco refinery on our west coast) & some sort or a military agreement to protect the Sultan(not boots on ground). In return make them de-couple from Pak
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