A thing I noticed about skeptics vs conspiracy theorists is skeptics have a lot to say on their theory while conspiracy theorists cannot stay focused on one conspiracy.

Not uncommon for a talk about a random blood-pressure med become a rant about vaccines, 9/11, Bill Gates, 5G.
Skeptics' pattern recognition machine finds parallels, from memory or research, for example, noticing a lot of Enron behavior in $TSLA.

Conspiracy theorists' minds find links between random events or entities, often building them up into a bigger conspiracy.
A normal mind cannot help but notice parallels of companies taking government subsidies and then price-gouging, such as pharma.

The conspiracy theorist thinks they're all working together, Gilead, Moderna, Microsoft, the WHO, the CDC, Oxford, Cuomo, the UN, 5G.
The conspiracy theorist cannot explain the theory to you without involving other theories. It's never just "big pharma will make a lot of money selling drugs" - that's too easy.
There's always chemtrails, 5G, biochips in humans, tainted water & other contradictory ideas.
A guy I know imagines a massive conspiracy of his staff, ex-employees, journalists, European car companies, energy companies, US regulators, random Twitter users, Wall Street investors, some Doctoral Candidate in Asian Languages & Cultures, that guy's brother, the oil industry...
The conspiracy involves all sorts of things from hacking & corporate espionage, firing 1 single bullet at 1 single car in Pennsylvania, distributing compromising photos of him, sabotaging a car paint shop, to a sniper shooting at rockets to prevent humanity from settling on Mars.
He sees great significance in what car Bill Gates drives, thinking it is a message; a random lawyer in New York who needed to be sent a message, the Thai cave rescuers; he loses sleep over hallucinations of journalists dancing with Wall Street investors in Vegas at his expense.
This man is not senile, he's almost 50; car accident but no brain damage; he's fat but he's otherwise healthy. I question whether its the influence of drugs that makes him foil tinly, but he's like that all the time, (unless he's on drugs non-stop, which is not something I know)
There's not much we can do.
But there's a big difference between someone believing in conspiracy nonsense and stalking his "enemies," hiring criminals to go after "conspirators" or going through people's trash in search of proof of these conspiracies, as this man has done.
I won't say this person's name to protect his privacy. I don't think we should doxx him, even though he's really into doxxing others. He knows who he is.

Drugs or being bullied as a child are not an excuse for his behavior.
Spouting nonsense is fine, committing crimes is not.
This person escalated from believing in nonsense to saying it out loud, running podcasts with his brother that spout nonsense, to actually hiring criminals, (who scammed him for money).

I worry for the people around him, but worry more for random people who have never met him.
Again, I won't name him and won't confirm any lucky guesses in the replies.

But I ask you, Twitter, what should we do?

Ignore until he pipes down? Or will continuing/increasing drug use make him escalate?

Any suggestions?

You can follow @NickytaLeb.
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