Watching Hereditary... finally. This should be interesting... 7 mins in.
Diana yells “oh my god why is this kid so creepy and why does she have such big boobs.” I judgingly think: “don’t judge her for how she looks.” Then hush Diana. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on in this movie. I have no idea. Per the usual with @A24
Paused for laundry. Resuming soon.
Why does this kid have a giant keyboard sideways. And why does the dad whisper everything #hereditary
I love that this kid draws everything. Drawing is true vulnerability of expression. Everyone should show their shitty sketches to everyone.
Who is Satony?! The great mystery. Who is SATONY?!
Notes on spirituality?!? #hereditary #live
14 mins in..: the crow. No clue. Does this kid who likes toys control burds with her brain? Go knows. #hereditary
Diana just said where not living by Jason Mantzoukas rules per scardey cats podcast
I love that the introduction to the interior of Annie comes through an AA looking meeting.
Fuck I love the visuals in the movie when it starts to get weird. Which is 26 mins in.
DaFUq! Is she decqpitated?!
@DianaEGal “I did not expect her do die so quickly. I’m traumatized... the he just left his dead ass sister in the car.”
Who the fuck is zazas?!?mystery 2!
@DianaEGal just said “she decapitated that bird you know...” then you see the picture of the bird?!!!! She predicts this shit. Then says “but seriously why wasn’t she carrying an epi pen..” she predicts it but doesn’t get it.
I love Joan. She’s doing the most. But I love her.
Joan is the best I love Joan. Then Diana says “except when she’s the worst.” Predicting when I’m going to hate Joan.
Calling all skeptics public Seance?!
JOANIE is on her welcome mat! I love it.
JOAN WENT TO A SEANCE ?? This shits gonna get lit.
The mouth SOUND! Jesus Roosevelt
Lord almighty the ANTS!
Biotch was sleepwalking?!? Then says “I never wanted to be your mother?!?!” Ooof
Lord amighty the fire oh lord. I can’t with this movie.
Liftoach hemedium?!?? Mysteries galore!
Holy gawd. Peter just got choked by a ghost and smacked his own damn face into a desk. SMH
Who are all those naked people standing outside the house!!
@DianaEGal breaking the rule of not covering her face...
“She’s flying now. I hate it I regret it. I want it to be over.” @DianaEGal
What are all these naked white people doing here?!?!
I think the last 10 minuets of hereditary were a straight left turn.
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